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2015…..Here It Is…Ready or Not!

insecure writers

Here we are. It’s the end of the year, and of course, I did not do all that I had planned. Not professionally and not personally. I never do. And every year, I wait for a giant thunderbolt to come crashing through the sky and some great disembodied voice to roar through the heavens telling me that I am a failure. Of course, that doesn’t happen. That’s not to say that a little voice inside me doesn’t say it, but that’s neither here nor there. Anyway, that’s more of a topic for my “Paranoid Writers Losing Touch with Reality” blog. OK, I really don’t have a blog with that name, but I think a lot of us could relate if I did.

Anyway, whether or not you write New Year’s resolutions, late December is a time that many of us become a bit more introspective about both our personal and our professional life.  Professionally, this past year was one where I wandered out of my comfort zone a bit. Not nearly as much as I wanted, but a bit. I wrote more, published a little, and committed to doing a lot more.  I had friends who nudged me onto this road less traveled. I am thankful for those “nudgers” both in “real life,” and in my “virtual life.” By the way, until a few months ago, I would not have believed that people I’ve never met could be such great cheerleaders. They can be, and I am thankful for them.

This year, I need to push myself a little more.  Instead of just walking on it, I’ve got to kick some dirt on that road less traveled.  I trust that the road will not be filled with minefields and ghosts, but I really don’t know. It may take me in the right direction, but it may not. It’s a complete unknown. However, if my goal is to accomplish something new, that first uncertain step is necessary. I’ve written a lot this past year, but now I need to do the scary part. I can’t sit on my work that is out there already. It’s time to move on. I plan to send lots of manuscripts to publishers, and if that doesn’t work out, I plan to indie publish some wonderful pieces. I just hope that I have the courage and confidence to do what’s needed to make that happen.

I’d love to hear some of your plans. But remember, if you don’t accomplish everything, just take a breath and start over. There’s always next year. I’ve learned the thunderbolt isn’t real.

My wish for all of us is that we spend time doing what we love, and more importantly, spend time with the people we love.


  • viviankirkfield
    Posted at 01:54h, 31 December

    Love your year-end post, Ellen…I’ve got to work on mine tonight. 🙂 Julie Hedlund has a 12 Days of Christmas (but nothing to do with Christmas…just starting the day after) challenge…looking back at our successes (and failures…but concentrating on the successes) and looking ahead to build on those. Complete with video ciips and ‘homework’ assignments. You might love it! Just go to her blog or the 12 days of Christmas FB page. 🙂

    You are so right about the ‘virtual’ cheerleaders…so very important and also a great part of my motivation to take each next step in this writing journey.

  • Sandy Perlic
    Posted at 05:26h, 01 January

    I’m with you on pushing a bit more this coming year, Ellen. I can see the progress I’ve made, but there’s still so much to do to reach my goals. I’m thankful to have you as one of my virtual cheerleaders! Let’s reach those goals together.

  • Robyn Campbell
    Posted at 00:30h, 02 January

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! Oh Ellen. I heart you so much. And I feel if we lived close we’d be giggling and chatting and sharing and writing together. I’m so thankful you entered my life. You are one of my virtual cheerleaders. And a lovely one at that. xoxoxoxo PLEASE let’s never lose touch. I hope your Christmas was grand and your 2015 will be everything beautiful.