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Poetry Friday Roundup! (It is still Friday, isn't it?)


Yep, that’s me today. A big mess of mixed up “muddleness”. Ok, “muddleness” is not a word, but I kind of like how it sounds. I apologize to my Poetry Friday pals who were busy looking for this post on the Space City Scribes site. Whoops. Once we got that figured out, I had to go to work, but that wasn’t such a bad thing because I get to play with poetry at my job. I am lucky enough to work with children who are just learning the magic spell that words can weave.  Can you think of a better way to spend your day?

A few weeks ago I wrote a post (on the Space City Scribes blog) all about poetry and poetry month. Of course I mentioned the multi-talented Angie Karcher and Renee La Tulippe, but I also spotlighted a very wise and extremely talented young poet named Robyn Adams. Robyn’s definition of poetry is hanging on the wall near my desk. I know you’ll love it as much as I do. Robyn says that poetry is evidence that the brain still thinks and heart still feels. I can’t think of a better explanation.

Today, instead of my poetry, I’d like to share a few poems by children that demonstrate that their brains are thinking and their hearts are feeling.

I Used To Be

I used to be a little seed,

but now I am tree, standing tall.

I used to be one small word,

but now I am a complete story.

I used to be an insignificant wick,

but now I am a beautiful candle illuminating the night.

From the sublime to the ridiculous…but lots of fun!

Forgive me for drawing a mustache on your face.

you told me you were very mature for your age,

but I thought nobody would believe you.

So…’re welcome!

Now for the roundup so far! I really don’t know if I did this correctly, but I’m sharing some great links of some great people!


Heidi Morhosrt is sharing poems by kindergartners today. How fun!

Michelle Heidenrich Barnes is featuring Nikki Grimes and a new DMC challenge on Today’s Little Ditty.

Arthur Amok is finishing up a month of poems about clothes.

Carol has  a review of two new bilingual poetry books for children.

Jama  at Alphabet Soup has three sample poems from DEAR TOMATO and a couple of Poetry Month notes:

Laura Salas is guesting with her niece, Lily, at Penny Parker Klostermann’s blog, where she wrote a poem and Lily did the art!

Holly Mueller posted some student written poetry.

Diane Mayr has a haiku sequence at Kurious Kitty.

Keri wrote three short poems about fabrics and quilts.

Tabitha is sharing Harry Baker’s poems today:

Donna Smith talks about heading over there for roundup!

Linda Bale is welcoming May with a new kind of poem. 

Liz Steinglass wrote a “Cheesy mom poem.” How appropriate for next week!

Matt Esenwine wraps up Irene Latham’s progressive poem.

Andromeda Sibley is focusing on pantoums.”

Robin Hood Black has a haiku.

At The Poem Farm, Amy Ludwig VanDerwater has the final tune…and a link to all 30 poemsongs in one place.

Irene Latham has some special thoughts on ARTSPEAK

Tricia is sharing pantoums today.

Check out

Sylvia Vardell’s post is in anticipation of Teacher Appreciation Week!

Slayground posted “Tawny” by Carl Sandberg.

Karin Fisher-Golton is sharing a Cento Poem today.

Greg Picus is up with an original poem.

Readingtothecore is sharing thoughts on Eileen Spinelli’s Another Day as Emily.

Check out the poems on Teaching Authors Blog by JoAnn Early Macken,

Joy is celebrating Lei Day over at

Check out Ruth’s post at