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Bluebonnets Part Two…Moving On

Ellen Rothberg and I loved our book, Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets. Lots of other people loved it too. It had heart, great illustrations, and kids connected with it. Ahh…to keep on going. No change. Just bluebonnets and book signings.

But sometimes things change. Sometimes we have no control over these changes. And sometimes the old adage about lemons and lemonade rings true. The original Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets is out of print.  Last year just saying the words “Out of print” gave me a headache. But this year, I am approaching it differently. Lemons, lemonade, and all that.

You will never hear me say anything disparaging about the writing or the illustrations of the old book. However, industry standards for picture books have changed. Out of something  pretty depressing came an opportunity that most authors don’t have. Ellen and I got to update the book and  collaborate with the very talented Joel Cook. I will leave it to Joel to leak some of the illustrations (until he gives me permission to do so!)

I’m very excited to announce that there will be a new, updated version of Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets coming out in time for the 2016-2017 school year. The book is shorter and snappier, but still filled with humor and heart.  We really hope you like it!

And remember, you can look at the bluebonnets, you can smell the bluebonnets, but you can NEVER EVER EAT the bluebonnets!

By the way, we will be taking pre-orders soon! 🙂




  • Teresa Robeson
    Posted at 20:48h, 31 March

    Congratulations on giving the old book new life!

  • ellenleventhal
    Posted at 21:16h, 31 March

    Thanks, Teresa!

  • Nikki
    Posted at 22:14h, 31 March

    I can’t wait to read the “new” book to my class. I only hope they get to meet one of my favorite authors in person and get to see what an incredible person she is. We love you!!!!!

    • ellenleventhal
      Posted at 22:50h, 31 March

      Ahh….so sweet, Nikki. Love y’all too!

  • rsonenshine
    Posted at 21:48h, 01 April

    Hold a copy for me, dear friend! Kudos to you for taking this step. I’m sure it will breathe new life into the book and give more children an opportunity to read it!

  • Joel Cook
    Posted at 19:16h, 03 April

    This is going to be a fun book!

  • Seth
    Posted at 00:21h, 04 April

    Don’t eat the blue nuts – Adam Leventhal

    • ellenleventhal
      Posted at 01:54h, 26 April

      Just saw this. Yes, Bluebonnets and blue nuts are both bad to eat. 🙂