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Author Laura Clement

One of the best things about the kid lit community is meeting so many other like minded people. It gives me great pleasure to highlight these talented people, and today I am introducing you to  fellow “Spork Sister,” Laura Clement and her adorable book, Egg. Here we go!

EL: What drew you to writing picture books?

LC: I love a good challenge.  I am five feet, one inch, and I ran the 100 and 300 meter hurdles in middle school and high school (made state one year, even with asthma), played basketball… did all sorts of things a vertically challenged person shouldn’t.  Just who I am.  I am also a poet.  I have been writing poetry since elementary school.  So, the challenge of picture books was just one I couldn’t pass up and one that seemed inevitable. I LOVE a good, well-done picture book because, it is timeless.  It has soul, heart and a unique voice.  I strive to bring these things to my writing.

EL: How long have you been writing?

LC: Professionally? My first book was published this last year.  But I have been writing, good, bad and ugly since 4th grade.

EL: Talk to us a little about your process as far as critiques, etc.

LC:I love a good critique and critique group.  Having people around you who really want whatever you write to be the best, is the BEST.  I love it when people don’t understand where I am going or what I am doing with a piece.  This really makes me buckle down and figure out a better voice or structure for a story.For a critique meeting, I usually have several PB MS’s ready to chew on.  We all take turns.  Sometimes I am lucky and get to work on more than one piece.  I usually have 3 to 4 in my folder I am working on, each at various stages.

EL: Do you have an agent? If so, do you think it is important?

LC: No.  I just sent out the mac daddy of queries last week to my DREAM agent.  I mean, I hugged this woman at a conference (luckily, she hugged me back so it wasn’t weird). So yes, I think it is important. I NEED someone out there guiding me in the right direction because, I have so many things I want to say.  I would rather spend my time writing and editing than hunting for submissions.

EL: You signed with a small press. What drew you to CFP (Spork)?

LC: She loved my book… Callie was the first editor/publisher to LOVE my story.  And after years of rejection that was exciting. I like the idea of having more say in the process and LEARNING more about publishing.  Clear Fork Publishing has given me that and the best ever opportunity with an illustrator who I now call a friend.  What could have been better than that?

EL: I know you have a young daughter. Do you do most of your writing when she is in school? At night?

LC: I write on napkins.  I write on my phone.  I have a new idea every day.  Putting ideas down is the easy part.  Really working on a story takes focus, but again I write wherever and whenever I can.  Thank goodness for a laptop.  I do a lot of my writing when Mia’s in school yes.  But when she’s not, night time.

EL: Aside from PBs, do you write anything else?

LC: I still write poetry.  I have a couple Middle Grade/YA novels in my head that have been haunting me for years.  I will get to them hopefully soon.

EL: How did you come up with idea of Egg? What do you like most about it?

LC: The line, “Egg was destined for greatness,” popped into my head one day and I couldn’t shake it.  It has so much “What if” quality to it, but it took some time to really figure out Egg’s story.  I love that Egg is her own Hero.  That she knows there is something about her that is special, but that she needs and wants to support and be supported by her adoptive family and that her greatness isn’t as important as that bond.  I love that Egg is powerful and adventurous and I LOVE that Egg is a story that kids can get involved in telling as parents read it to them.

EL:Tell us about your illustrator. Did you get to collaborate or were you surprised at what was done?

LC: I did get to collaborate, more than I ever thought possible.  Sunny is the BEST!  And I can’t wait for her to work on my second book.  Sunny asked for my opinion on many occasions and really wanted to get EGG just right and I loved that when we were down to the wire that she and I were able to pull on our big girl boots and slosh in the mud together to get EGG done in time and right.

EL: Please add anything you’d like our readers to know.

Writing is the best badly paying job ever.  It feeds my soul, warms my heart and challenges me in so many ways.  My goal in life, is to inspire.  I am constantly seeking out new ways to learn and be better, writing gives me these opportunities. If you would like to know more about me, EGG or the next book Q, check out or my blog at or find me on FB @lauranclement or on Twitter @clementcreation.

EL: Thank you so much, Laura! Good luck in all your endeavors.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about Laura. You can find her book on Amazon or at





  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 17:20h, 09 July

    Thank you so much, Ellen! I loved getting to meet Laura…and hope one day to get to hug her in person – and hopefully, she hugs me back so it isn’t weird. 🙂 And Laura…howdy to a 5 foot 1 inch sister…although now that I am old(er), I’m barely 5 feet tall. Congratulations on your success! I think Callie is on a mission to bring us many beautiful books in the coming years!

  • Jenna Grodzicki
    Posted at 18:38h, 09 July

    Excellent interview! Much love to you both!

  • Maria Marshall
    Posted at 19:53h, 09 July

    Great interview Ellen.

  • Linda Hofke
    Posted at 21:45h, 09 July

    Great interview and EGG sounds like a great book. I can’t wait to read it.
    Good luck with the submission to your dream agent, Laura.

  • KC
    Posted at 23:18h, 10 July

    Great interview! Egg is a lovely book. I can’t wait to see Laura’s future titles.