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Holiday Hero


We all know that children’s stories shouldn’t be long, especially when holiday treats are scattered all around! What child wants to listen to a long drawn out story when visions of sugar plums are dancing in his head?  OK, I don’t really even know what a sugar plum is, but in my house, it would be cookies and potato latkes. But I digress. Susanna gave us a word limit of 250 words or fewer (Get it, 250…Dec. 25?)  And shockingly enough, I did it!

Susanna has asked us to post our stories on our blogs. Now, I’m a rule follower (sometimes), however, I’m feeling pretty insecure about all of this. But we’re all friends, right? RIGHT?! I can’t hear you!

So here goes mine. It’s all about a girl, a dog, cinnamon cookies, and a wayward menorah. I hope you enjoy it!



By Ellen Leventhal


The Menorah was missing, and Ellie was too.

The sun, it was setting, with day almost through.

What happened to Ellie? We hope she’s alright!

And where’s the menorah? We need candlelight!

We looked all around, in and out of each room,

till Augie, our dog whiffed a kind of perfume.

It smelled just like Ellie, his very best girl.

He yipped, and he yapped, did a twirl and a whirl.

(In cakes and in cookies, and even French toast,

it’s cinnamon spice that our Ellie loves most.)

Augs led us around, up and down the back stairs,

over dollies and puppets and little stuffed bears.

And then with a bound and a bounce and a roar,

Augie butted and bulldozed and burst through the door.

And that’s when we saw all the candles so tall

in a pretty menorah against the back wall.

“Ellie!” we cried, “You gave us a fright!”

She answered, “I planned a surprise for tonight.

I didn’t light candles, so I haven’t been burned,

but I practiced and practiced, and guess what I learned?”

Then sweet little Ellie sang prayers loud and clear,

for singing is part of Hanukkah cheer.

We fluffed Augie’s fur since he found our sweet Ellie,

and then he licked cookie crumbs right off her belly!

She giggled and wiggled and hugged her dear doggie.

Who knew that we’d have a hero named Augie?





















  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 17:21h, 08 December

    Now I am hungry for cinnamon cookies! And a stack of potato latkes would not go amiss.
    What a fun story, Ellen…love the rhythm and rhyme. Kudos to Ellie who wanted to learn the prayers so she could sing them properly. And hurray for sweet puppies who can always find the ones they love!

  • Linda E.H.
    Posted at 17:27h, 08 December

    Very sweet story, Ellen. A thoughtful girl and a hero dog makes a great combo.
    I love the verbs and alliteration in these lines:
    Augie butted and bulldozed and burst through the door
    She giggled and wiggled and hugged her dear doggie.
    Wishing you luck with the contest!

  • Barbara
    Posted at 17:31h, 08 December

    Awww I love this! It gets me right back into the Hanukkah mood!!!

  • Kathy Halsey
    Posted at 18:46h, 08 December

    Such a fun, cute story, Ellen. Love the dog, the girl and the rhyme. Very nicely done! Good luck.

  • Buffy Silverman
    Posted at 21:44h, 08 December

    Sweet story! Love that you’ve chosen the cinnamon-sniffing dog as your Chanukah hero! Chag sameach.

  • Sue Heavenrich
    Posted at 22:22h, 08 December

    A hero named Augie – perfect! Thank goodness Augie found Ellie so she could sing her song for the family.

  • MaryAnn Cortez
    Posted at 00:17h, 09 December

    I LOVE this. Little Ellie singing the prayers got me right in the feels. Augie is a loveable character too. Good luck!

  • Traci Bold
    Posted at 18:08h, 10 December

    Loved this wonderful Hanukkah rhyme, Ellen! I visualized the entire story as I read. 🙂

  • Nancy Riley
    Posted at 01:49h, 12 December

    Very nice! Good luck!

  • Susanna Leonard Hill
    Posted at 01:55h, 13 December

    Such a sweet story, Ellen! I’m thrilled to see one that isn’t Christmas – the entries are heavily weighted that direction! – and I love that the hero is Augie! You described excited-dog-on-a-mission behavior so well with the bound/bounce/butted/bulldozed/burst! Thanks for joining in the Holiday Contest fun! (and for being brave enough to post! 🙂 )

  • Diane Tulloch
    Posted at 18:44h, 13 December

    Beautiful story Ellen. Loved your use of alliteration and the rhyming perfect Go you!