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I was recently asked how long it took me to write Lola Can’t Leap. The answer is far from simple. And I absolutely would not have gotten it done without the love and support of all my friends in the KidLit community! I started thinking about this clumsy little lamb several years ago. She slipped and tripped around in my head for a long time, and I eventually started to write her story down. But like Lola’s journey, the telling of her story did not come easily. So, when I answered this young girl truthfully, she looked up at me and said, “HOLY GUACAMOLE!”

So as this year ends, I look back not just on 2018, but at the last three and a half years, I can only think of one thing to say.






So, with apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein (and Julie Andrews), I bring you my last three writing years in a nutshell.

Flooding and writing

and moving and crying.

How could we lose things without even trying?

Watching our memories float down the drain.

Trying to write and to keep myself sane.


Three times a floodie.

And three times apartments.

Keeping my feelings tied up in compartments.

I looked for helpers, and yes they were there.

Thank you to friends who would answer each prayer!


When my brain stops,

but no rain stops,

and I’m feeling sad

I simply remember that things could be worse

and then I don’t feel so bad!


Typing all evening

for deadlines I’m facing.

But with each raindrop my pulse, it is racing.

Send things to crit groups to see what they say.

Then deal with FEMA just like every day!


Send in a story and

see who will take it.

Change it around to the best I can make it.

Watch as the artist brings each scene to life.

But every obstacle cuts like a knife!


Now it’s over.

Lola’s leaping.

And my house is done.

I simply remember that journey called life.

and now it is time for… FUN!!

Thank you to Clear Fork Publishing and Callie Metler for publishing two books during my “flood years.” Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets written with Ellen Rothberg and illustrated by the amazing Joel Cook, is still one of my favorites. And watching the uber-talented Noelle Shawa bring my little Lola to life made me smile every time I saw Lola’s sweet face.

I cannot thank my friends and family near and far for helping us get through not one, not two, but three floods. We are FAR from alone. So many in our city are in the same position. Our community of “floodies” has become a community of friends.

As the year comes to an end, my wish for you is that all your dreams come true.

Happy Holidays! May 2019 be your best year!


  • Linda E.H.
    Posted at 21:57h, 22 December

    Nice poem, Ellen.
    Every time I think of Lola I think of us being up at 3 am at the conference. It started with throwing around revision idea for Lola’s story and then we just ended up chatting to the wee hours. That was great. And your book is great.
    So glad your house is finally done. So YAY all around. I am susre 2019 is going to be an awesome year for you.

  • Karen Bodner
    Posted at 05:10h, 23 December

    I’m so proud of you for, yet again, writing such an amazing children’s book…and surviving three floods. Only great times ahead for you !!!

  • Sandy Perlic
    Posted at 14:11h, 23 December

    It makes me so happy to see your new house and to know your 3-year ordeal is nearly over! And you are proof that good things can–and do–happen even in the midst of trials. Thank goodness you persevered and your delightful stories have come to life! Much love to you, Ellen.

  • Ellen Roghberg
    Posted at 16:57h, 23 December

    Congratulations on “Lola” and your new home!

  • Kathy Halsey
    Posted at 18:16h, 23 December

    Love this ditty. So glad your house is ready, the books in the world and you will leap forward in 2019.