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Living, Loving, and Writing in the Time of Corona

A quick show of hands. Who is having trouble carrying on as usual? I certainly am. However, I am acutely aware of the fact that my family and I are among the lucky ones. Over here at my house, we are healthy, and my children and grandchildren are healthy and safe.  But it’s still hard. Or maybe a better word is “different.” I know we all want to help, but being in a high-risk category, I am not comfortable being around a lot of people. Yes, we’ve donated money, we’ve followed all the rules to keep ourselves and others safe, but what else can I do?

I have been thinking of the wonderful KidLit community and publishing in general. Like everywhere else, things are in flux.  The very least I can do it to shine some light on upcoming or new releases during this difficult time. Aside from giving these books some love, I hope you click on the links and get a smile. Or maybe even order the books! So without further ado, congrats to Laurie Smollett Kutscera, Vicky Fang, Neil Cross Beckerman, and Katelyn Aronson.

Laurie Smolett Kutscera’s new book.

Here is a link to Vicky Fang adorable book.


And Neil Cross Beckerman’s


And last (for today), but certainly not least, here is Katelyn Aronson’s precious upcoming book.


Be safe, everyone! I hope to see you in person in the not so distant future!


  • Katelyn Aronson
    Posted at 11:49h, 10 May

    Thank you for the shout-out, Ellen! I’m grateful for the help, especially at such a difficult time for book releases!

  • Linda E.H.
    Posted at 23:53h, 14 May

    thanks for the heads up on these upcoming releases.
    They all look great.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:45h, 15 May

      They do look great! Looking forward to highlighting some more!