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Robin Newman and a Great Giveaway!


I am thrilled to have multi-published author, Robin Newman, visit us on the blog today. I met Robin in my 2021 Marketing group, the Picture Book Scribblers, and I’m so glad I did. Robin will be talking about her newest book, coming out soon as well as sharing some of her secrets to writing fabulous stories. So, let’s get started. 

Robin, thanks for stopping by. Please tell us a little about your upcoming release. I know it’s part of a series (and yes, I have read the other books, and they are adorable and clever!), but what else can you tell us? 


In THE CASE OF THE BAD APPLES, Porcini Pig pigs out on what appears to be a gift basket of apples. No surprise. He is a pig, after all. But strangely he becomes sick as a dog. Thank goodness an anonymous squealer called in a SWINE-1-1, and the MFI (Missing Food Investigators) are investigating what looks like a Code 22, attempted hamslaughter. Who poisoned Porcini and why? Could one bad apple have poisoned the bunch? One bad apple indeed.

Hamslaughter! Love it! When you’re writing one book in a series, do you have the next books in mind as you write it?

I’m always trying to think of the next book. I keep “idea” lists for just about everything—and everywhere, for that matter—notebooks, phone memos, napkins, toilet paper. (I’m not an organized writer.) But like all writers, it’s not until I actually sit down and try to write the story when I realize whether I have a good or bad idea.

The Wilcox & Griswold Mystery Series started out as gift for my niece and nephew, Isabelle and Cedric. During one Christmas holiday, I happened to look over at Isabelle and she was yawning—bored!—while opening up her presents. So the next year, I made for Isabelle and Cedric, THE DOUBLE TROUBLE BANANA SPLIT DETECTIVE AGENCY HUNTS FOR THE MISSING BIRTHDAY CAKE (with Inspectors Isabelle and Cedric on the case). Fast-forward eight years, this book eventually became THE CASE OF THE MISSING CARROT CAKE.



What a great story! Any more Wilcox and Griswold books in the making? 

I’m currently working on two books. Stay tuned.

Can you explain how chapter books are different than picture books and middle-grade novels? 

Chapter books are generally for readers ages 5-10, who are beginning to get their feet wet as independent readers. The books have short chapters with spot illustrations to help these newly-independent readers better understand the text and develop their confidence.

When I started writing my Wilcox & Griswold Mystery Series, the books started out as picture books. But the word counts were around 1600-1900 (I know. Gasp! The horror!) and no matter how many times I rewrote the books, I couldn’t get my word counts under 1000 words.

During this time, I was fortunate to have had a critique with Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen at the NJ SCBWI’s annual conference. She gave me the absolute best piece of advice ever. She said something to the effect  of, “Robin, these are not picture books. These are chapter books.” It was one of those glorious a-ha moments when sirens are blaring, and I took Sudipta’s advice to heart. I rewrote the books as chapter books. To be honest, it was quite refreshing to have the freedom of more word choices—not to mention, a more generous word count. And after eight years of rejections and revisions (who’s counting?), I finally held the first book in the Wilcox & Griswold Mystery Series, THE CASE OF THE MISSING CARROT CAKE.

That’s really interesting. I bet a lot of people are going through something like that (she says from experience!) I love that you share how it took so long. Well, I don’t love that it took so long, but I think there is something to be learned here. Publishing is slow and not for the faint-hearted! I am personally thrilled that you persisted! 

So, let’s get down to business! When does THE CASE OF THE BAD APPLES RELEASE? 

THE CASE OF THE BAD APPLES hits The Big Apple and elsewhere on September 1, 2020.

Soon! So exciting! Do you have a specific writing routine? If so, can you tell us a little about it?



I have three dogs and a thirteen-year old son. Three out of the four (can you guess which?) are early risers who get me up between 5-6 am for a quick walk and breakfast. Once fed, I usually crawl back into bed until the sun has risen, feed the boy, get him off to school or virtual classes as the case may be, and then I try to write. At least, that’s the goal. Some days are better and more productive than others.

People may not realize how prolific you are. How many books do you have out?


I have three chapter books in my Wilcox & Griswold Mystery Series, THE CASE OF THE MISSING CARROT CAKE, THE CASE OF THE POACHED EGG, AND THE CASE OF THE BAD APPLES. I also have two picture books, HILDIE BITTERPICKLES NEEDS HER SLEEP and NO PEACOCKS! A FEATHERED TALE OF THREE MISCHIEVOUS FOODIES. And I’ve also had the privilege of working on the picture-book adaption of Sesame Street’s Christmas holiday special, ONCE UPON A SESAME STREET CHRISTMAS.

So to answer your question, six books to date.

I mentioned that I met Robin in a 2021 release group, so I think we better talk about what’s happening in 2021! 

The first thing to talk about is picture book, DON’T CALL ME FUZZYBUTT! illustrated by Susan Batori (Sleeping Bear Press).  It is about a grouchy sleepless bear kept awake by a woodpecker with a specialty in real-estate development.

My second project with Sesame Street Workshop, SESAME STREET BREATHE, THINK, DO WITH ELMO: PROBLEM SOLVING FOR LITTLE MONSTERS, illustrated by Ernest Kwiat (RP Kids), is an interactive picture book featuring Sesame Street’s simple, playful, three-pronged strategy for mindful problem-solving.

They both sound wonderful. We know your 2020 launch is very soon. With everything going on this year, how will this launch be different from previous ones? Any specific plans? 

Deborah Zemke, illustrator extraordinaire of the Wilcox & Griswold Mystery Series, and I will have a virtual launch party at Books of Wonder on 9/6 at 1 pm (EST). Please join us! It will be lots of fun.

Here’s the link for more information.

And where can people order your book? 

You may pre-order signed copies of THE CASE OF THE BAD APPLES from Books of Wonder. Here’s the link!

This has been great, Robin! Just for fun, can you tell us something about yourself that people may not know?

I have an identical twin sister who also works in publishing.

And lastly, Robin will be giving away a signed book and some mystery swag. Just comment on  this blog and tell us how you are sharing it, and you’ll be entered in this drawing! 

Thanks a lot, Robin! It was fun learning so much about you and your books. If you want to learn even more, stop by 

    Posted at 20:59h, 24 August

    Ellen, Many thanks for sharing the apple-tas-tic news about The Case of the Bad Apples. And I am so thrilled that we were able to meet via the pbscribblers. XOXO

  • Nancy Kirk aka Esther Queen
    Posted at 22:49h, 24 August

    What a prolific and wonderful writer. Just love Robin’s books.

      Posted at 12:52h, 25 August

      Thanks, Nancy! XOXO

  • kelly woods
    Posted at 03:14h, 25 August

    I shared on twittered. (Luvbeingamomof3) Great interview. Thank you for sharing.