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Rosie, and Charlie, and Lauren, Oh My!

 Although I first met author, Lauren Kerstein in our 2021 marketing group, The Picture Book Scribblers, I am thrilled to welcome her here to talk about what’s happening NOW. (We’ll get to 2021 later, I promise. ) Lauren, will you tell us a bit about your new release, Rosie the Dragon and Charlie Say Good Night?

Rosie the dragon and Charlie are ready to tackle bedtime—dragon-style!

Rosie the dragon’s bedtime routine has been a little bumpy lately. But not to worry! Charlie is prepared with his lists, rules, and fire extinguisher—everything a boy needs to help guide his pet dragon (and best friend) to a peaceful night’s sleep. Snuggle up with this adorable duo as they conquer bedtime the best way: together!

Good Night was actually the first book I wrote in the series in 2016. Rosie the Dragon and Charlie Make Waves launched first because…well… who doesn’t want to see a dragon learn how to swim?!

Good Night began as a “how to” book and was about putting your mommy to bed. I thought it would be hilarious if the tables were turned and a child had to tackle the bedtime bumps we tackle as parents. With fabulous feedback from critique partners, Rate Your Story, my agent, and my editor, this book evolved into the character-focused series it is today. I let my Jersey-girl humor fly free, included actual tips and skills, and named my beloved characters. Through it all, though, the heart and voice remained the same.

I love this spread! It makes me smile. But let’s not forget the book that started it all. It looks pretty cute! 

Lauren, I know that you write more than picture books. In fact, you are a “writing machine” in my opinion! Please fill us in. 

In addition to picture books, I write middle grade, young adult, and adult novels. I am actually in the process of turning the millionth revision of a young adult novel into an adult novel. The characters began yelling in my ear that they needed to be adults, not young adults. Who am I to disagree? I am also about to tackle revisions on my middle-grade novel. I also have a young chapter book idea that won’t stop begging me to write it. Perhaps since I wrote it here, I actually will! I have written in my professional world as well, and have another book coming out soon.

So now you have chapter book characters whispering in your ear too! 

Do you consider yourself a planner or a pantster? Along with that, do you have a specific writing routine? If so, will you share it?

I am predominantly a planner, although I use templates far more effectively (I have a bunch of templates posted on my website) than outlines. I think I have an outline brain-block. I recently watched a Manuscript Academy webinar with Cameron Kelly Rosenblum and she recommended the BEST approach to planning a novel by Amanda Foody. It is called the Minimalistic Book Outline and is based on the Save the Cat method. I LOVE it!

As for picture books, I plan with a StoryStorm template I created, and by making word banks, and juicy word wheels. Once I know my character well, have spent time researching, and really understand the heart of the story, I dig in. Having said all of that, there are times, I just dig in because the first line pops into my head and I need to run with it. Those flashes of “idea lightning” are tricky. If we don’t grab them, they disappear!

I don’t have a specific writing routine, which is interesting since I love routine. But there are always so many tasks demanding attention that it is hard to establish a consistent routine. I watch writing webinars on the elliptical nearly every day, which stimulates my writing brain. I try to touch at least one manuscript every day, and often two or three. I use a sand timer (thank you, Claudia Mills) to clock uninterrupted hours (although they are often interrupted). I might also spend time brainstorming new ideas each day. So, my routine is, work as many hours as I can each day on writing tasks, and be sure to touch a revision or new draft each day if possible.

What advice can you give aspiring kidlit writers?

Be kind to yourself. This industry isn’t for the faint of heart. Writing happens in small pieces so count every minute of writing as success! And finally, connect to your kidlit community. My critique partners are brilliant, supportive, and key to my writing journey. I wouldn’t be here without them, and without the kidlit community as a whole.

Since I mentioned that we met in a 2021 marketing group, I think we need to give readers at least a sneak peek at what’s next.

I am thrilled to talk about my 2021 release. HOME FOR A WHILE (Illustrated by Natalia Moore/Magination Press) is a book from my therapist’s heart. I can’t wait for you to meet Calvin!

Calvin wants to trust but is afraid to open his heart. HOME FOR A WHILE is a book about a little boy in foster care who wants to find a place he can call home, for a while. It’s a book about seeing your strengths, building self-esteem, and building emotion regulation skills.

Calvin will move into bookshelves on February 2, 2021. It is available for pre-order at your local Indie bookstores or on Amazon.

That sounds amazing. Can you tell us anything about yourself that people may not know? 

So you know how I mentioned the fact that I watch writing webinars on the elliptical? Well, it’s possible that I then finish the webinar from the shower, and while I get ready. I mean who needs to shower with the door closed, right?! (I always check to be sure it’s a replay OR that the camera is OFF. That would be awkward!) I recognize this takes multi-tasking to the next level, but hey, it works, so why not!

Of course! Why not? Ha ha!

Now, most importantly, where can we order your awesome books.  

You can visit my website ( for templates, my blog, critique information, information about #ReVISIONweek, and to purchase or pre-order my books. Thanks so much!

I loved learning about you and your books, Lauren! From one Jersey girl to another (Jersey never leaves you no matter how long you are away), I want to thank you for dropping by!


Lauren Kerstein is an author and psychotherapist. She is a Jersey girl at heart who currently lives in Colorado with her husband, their two dragons…er, daughters, and their rescue dogs. She is represented by Deborah Warren with East/West Literary Agency. Lauren’s debut: ROSIE THE DRAGON AND CHARLIE MAKE WAVES (Illustrated by Nate Wragg/Two Lions) splashed into bookstores in 2019. The companion volume, ROSIE THE DRAGON AND CHARLIE SAY GOOD NIGHT (Illustrated by Nate Wragg/Two Lions), snuggled into bookshelves September 1, 2020. HOME FOR A WHILE (Illustrated by Natalia Moore/Magination Press) is expected February 2, 2021. Lauren also writes books in her field. Lauren is one of the founders of #ReVISIONweek, a judge with Rate Your Story, runs a critique business, and is a long-time member of 12×12 and SCBWI. Visit her at, on Twitter @LaurenKerstein, Instagram @LaurenKerstein, or Facebook. You can also follow her blog at:

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 19:33h, 08 September

    Loved learning more about you, Lauren. Congrats on this book and the upcoming one…you are on fire!

    Posted at 19:46h, 08 September

    Congrats, Lauren! May need to try listening to a webinar in the shower. Efficiency at its best. Love it!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 20:20h, 08 September

      Right, Robin? Pretty clever!

      • Kaitlyn Sanchez
        Posted at 04:43h, 09 September

        Omg I love that the characters yelled at you, can’t wait to read your adult book now, AJ! Thanks for this great interview, Ellen!

  • David McMullin
    Posted at 03:29h, 09 September

    Congratulations on these wonderful books, Lauren!