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Author, Norene Paulson and a Great Giveaway!

I am so happy to highlight Norene Paulson and her wonderful debut, Benny’s True Colors which released November 17, 2020. I’ve read this lovely story, but I will let Norene tell you more herself.

Norene is a fellow #Picture Book Scribbler, and I’m so glad I got to meet her. Welcome, Norene!

First off, will you tell everyone a little about the story and how you got the idea?

The idea to write a story about a bat who is really a butterfly on the inside came from an actual bat that I discovered roosting high up in our brick entryway. It puzzled me as to why this little brown bat was hiding out when all the other bats in the backyard were busy doing bat things…you know, swooping and diving and gobbling up mosquitoes and other insects. As I ran different scenarios through my mind…was he afraid of the dark? Did he not like the taste of bugs? I thought about how often assumptions are made about others based on their physical self which may not always align with their “inner” self. That’s when the idea hit that maybe this little brown bat was really a butterfly inside.

I love this idea, and when people read the book, they totally understand.

Do you feel like you are primarily a picture book writer, or are you working on other genres?

I’m definitely a PB writer. What I love about writing PB stories is the way the words and the illustrations work together to tell the story, and I enjoy (well, most of the time) the challenge of creating a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end in under 500 words. The thought of plotting a Middle Grade or Young Adult story overwhelms me. I mean that’s a lot of words. When I first started writing for kids, I wrote non-fiction children’s magazine articles. I took a couple of ICL (Institute of Children’s Literature) classes and my first published articles were actually assignments I’d written for one of those classes.  However, once I started reading Mercer Mayer and Berenstain Bear books to my two young sons, I was hooked on picture books.

Do you have any “surreal” moments surrounding the book and its publication? If so, will you share?

Since it’s my debut, every step toward publication has been surreal starting with BENNY’S Twitter pitch that landed me my wonderful agent, Naomi Davis from BookEnds Lit to the two house auction that ended in a book contract with Macmillan/Imprint. From there, working with my editor, the marvelous Erin Stein or my illustrator, the amazing Anne (Andy) Passchier has been a dream-come-true. Seeing edits or sketches for the first time, viewing the PDF of the cover, seeing the ARC, and holding the book for the first time have all been moments that made me stand back and say “Wow! Cannot believe this is happening.”

I LOVE that you landed your agent from a Twitter pitch. That will definitely give hope to a lot of people. What a journey! I can see why you may want to pinch yourself!

Do you have a specific writing routine? If so, will you share it?

Oh, how I wish I did. I’m a procrastinator. My best writing time comes when I have a deadline to meet because a deadline makes me focus. I can tell you I sit at my computer every day. How much writing I get done, depends on the day. I often think how prolific a writer I would be if I treated my writing more like a 9 to 5 job, but where’s the creative fun in that??  This is probably why it took me decades to publish my first picture book.

Oh, how I can relate!

OK, so no real routine, but do you consider yourself a planner or a panster? Why?

Definitely a panster.  Ideas swirling around in my head for a while before I start writing.  Once I start, I just let the ideas take me wherever they want. There’s always time to go back and revise once something is on the page.

What do you feel is the most difficult part of writing a PB?

For me, the most difficult part is also the most challenging. I mean, how fun and frustrating is it to create a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end that has a hook unique enough to catch the eye of an editor or agent and doing all of that in 500 words or less while also leaving room for illustration. Once all that has been accomplished, then revising, the fun part, starts, but for me filling that blank Word document for the first time is the hardest part.

What advice do you have for aspiring kidlit writers?

Everyone’s journey to publication has different detours and roadblocks, so never compare your journey with someone else’s. Yours might take longer as mine did, but you’ll never reach your destination if you sit on the shoulder of the road. Keep walking…

Great advice! 

Where can we get your book?

Anyone who is interested in owning a copy of BENNY’S TRUE COLORS, please check out your local bookstore. If you need help in finding an indie bookstore near you, here are some helpful links: or BENNY is also available through Barnes and Noble, Powell’s, Amazon, and other book outlets. If you’d like a signed copy, call Beaverdale Books (515-279-5400)

Do you have a website where people can learn more about you?

Yes, my website is In addition to learning more about me, you will also find purchase links under the My Books tab for both BENNY and pre-order links for my second book which comes out next March.

Speaking of your newest creation, please tell us a little about your 2021 release.

Sure, WHAT’S SILLY HAIR DAY WITH NO HAIR? is out March 1, 2021 with Albert Whitman. It’s the story of a young girl with alopecia who, along with her best friend, figures out a way for everyone to participate in Spirit Week’s Silly Hair Day whether they have hair or not.  The illustrations are my favorite part of the book. Camila Carrossine is the illustrator, and she did an amazing job bringing Bea and her best friend Shaleah to life. SILLY HAIR DAY is available for pre-order now.

Sounds like a winner! And such a wonderful topic. 

Now for the GIVEAWAY! Enter to win a copy of BENNY’S TRUE COLORS by commenting on this blog post. If you follow this blog or sign up, please mention it because that gives you a double chance to win, and you’ll find out about a lot more talented authors. You may even find out a bit about me. 🙂 

Thank you so much, Norene! I can’t wait to read your next book!


  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 18:09h, 01 December

    What a wonderful adventure you have been on, Norene! And I absolutely LOVE your advice: Keep walking! Congratulations on your wonderful success! I’m looking forward to reading this book…and the one that launches next year!

    • Norene Paulson
      Posted at 19:03h, 01 December

      Thanks so much, Vivian! It has been quite the adventure, and I’m looking forward to where it take me next.

  • Meera Sriram
    Posted at 18:50h, 01 December

    Wonderful interview, Norene and Ellen! I love Norene’s advice of getting on the road and to keep walking – great reminder. Congratulations again, Norene!

  • Joyce Schriebman
    Posted at 20:35h, 01 December

    I LOVE that you launched your career through a Twitter Pitch party! Looking forward to reading about Benny…and your second book sounds equally compelling. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    • Norene Paulson
      Posted at 20:42h, 01 December

      Thanks, Joyce! It is amazing that someone as non-tech savvy as me landed an agent through social media…:)

  • Meera Sriram
    Posted at 22:12h, 01 December

    I’m not sure why my comment doesn’t show up. So, I’ll try again 🙂 Wonderful interview, Norene and Ellen. I love Benny’s True Colors and what a great reminder to stay on the road and not on the shoulder – thank you!

    • Norene Paulson
      Posted at 02:38h, 02 December

      Thanks, Meera! Appreciate your kind words.

  • David McMullin
    Posted at 06:24h, 02 December

    Benny looks wonderful! Congratulations.

    • Norene Paulson
      Posted at 17:27h, 02 December

      Thanks so much, David!!

  • Deborah Holt Williams
    Posted at 07:16h, 02 December

    Congratulations, Norene! I’m entering a Twitter pitch this month and I hope I have good luck, too! I’ll keep on trying.

    • Norene Paulson
      Posted at 17:29h, 02 December

      Thanks, Deborah, and good luck with the Twitter pitch party. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!