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With apologies to FDR, I am happy to say good-bye to “a year that will live in infamy.” The pandemic, economic problems, and social and political unrest were the earmarks of this year.  It makes me sad, but not without hope.

Although this blog is usually about children’s books and writers, I can’t let this year go without acknowledging the tremendous difficulties and loss that affected so many this year, including children.


Things won’t magically turn around on January 1st, but there is something healing about turning that calendar page either literally or metaphorically.

I am currently taking part in Julie Hedlund’s 12 Days of Christmas for Writers. One of the things she has us do is list our successes. I appreciate that challenge as it always makes me think. So, I’d like to propose we all think about not just our successes this year, but also the bits of joy we found, and our hopes for the new year.

  • Professionally, I had a few successes, although I wouldn’t have recognized them as such until Julie pushed me to do so. I jumped out of my comfort zone, which was scary, but it helped me grow. I got a few manuscripts done even though I thought all my creativity was gone. Personally, I think just holding it all together this year can be counted as a success for all of us.
  • Within the fear and sadness of this year, I did find some joy.  Through spending time outside with those in my bubble, finding new places to explore safely, and virtually hanging out with friends, family, and my writing community, I felt sparks of joy.

  • I could fill pages with my hopes for the new year (but I won’t). My main hope is that people learn from the difficulties of this year. With the growing awareness of the inequities some Americans face comes the opportunity for change. I hope we learned that we can do better and keep kindness for all at the forefront of our actions this coming year. I hope we look back at the division in our country and realize it’s not good for anyone. We need to come together to heal. And certainly, I fervently hope that as a country (and world), we beat this virus that has ravaged us. It will take us all, but I believe we are on the way.

With a year filled with so much loss, it is hard for me to celebrate. But I do have hope that we can look towards the future together.

What are YOUR successes and sparks of joy you found this year? What are some of YOUR hopes for the future? Please share as we look ahead together.

Wishing you health, happiness, and peace.




  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 00:42h, 01 January

    Love the post, Ellen! And definitely, we need to celebrate our successes and reflect on how we can help the country to heal. Always acting out of kindness and compassion is the way to move forward, I agree!
    I feel blessed to call you friend, dear Ellen Here’s to 2021!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:44h, 01 January

      Thank you so much. I am SO lucky and blessed to call YOU a friend. Wishing you the best as we enter this new year. Hugs.

  • Tzillah
    Posted at 05:38h, 01 January

    Ellen, you have given words to emotions that many of us sjare. Thank you for maintaining your optimism in these trying times and seeing light in darkness. Wonder if that is the reason for New Year being in winter, to give hope to people. Wishing you a good new year 💐

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 18:55h, 02 January

      We do need hope, and I haven’t been that successful in finding it, but when I dig down, I do see it is there. Happy New Year!

  • David McMullin
    Posted at 14:54h, 01 January

    Happy New Year, Ellen. There is something hopeful about changing out the calendar. I wish you and everyone, happiness.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 18:55h, 02 January

      Same to you, David! May this be a much better year for all of us.

  • Pamela+Harrisonn
    Posted at 02:15h, 02 January

    I love your post, Ellen. It is full of encouraging words that give hope and peace for this new year. May we be kind and live in harmony. Thank you, my friend.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 18:56h, 02 January

      Thank you for helping me articulate what I wanted to say. Our Zoom conversation was wonderful.

  • Lauren Kerstein
    Posted at 23:41h, 07 January

    What a beautiful post, Ellen! Thank you!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:55h, 08 January

      Thank you for reading, Lauren!