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Writer and Agent, Kaitlyn Sanchez and a Giveaway!

Welcome, Kaitlyn! I’m thrilled to have you here on “Writing Outside the Lines.” I can’t remember exactly where we “met” in the “kidlit-osphere”, but we’ve been friends for a while now. (Unfortunately, we haven’t met in person, and we need to remedy that at some point!)

Ok, let’s get going! First of all, wife, mother, teacher, writer, and literary agent at Context Literary. Did I miss anything? Oh, I can’t forget blogger! (and Soccer player?) Please tell us how you have been able to add hours to the day! I think you are magic (the good kind, of course!), but let’s hear what you have to say. How do you do it all, and even more importantly, how do you balance all of this?

Aw, you’re too kind, Ellen. I just love lots of things and want to do them all! They say you make time for the things you love, right? But also I’ve always been this way. A typical day for me as a kid was school, practice for whichever school sport I was in, travel soccer practice, homework, maybe TV (if time), then finally, bed. This continued in college, as well. I generally took about 18 units, worked as a tutor, a grocery bagger, and a teaching assistant–yes all at the same time. I just like being busy, especially when things are so fun!

I am exhausted just reading this!

Now that you are an agent as well as a writer, has adding this new hat to your life, forced you to make some difficult decisions about priorities? If so, will you share?

This agenting hat definitely helped me make some decisions about priorities. In fact, when Anna offered me the internship at Olswanger Literary, it was actually Veterans Day, and we were on our way to visit my grandpa and grandma’s grave. I remember sitting in the car, and my husband saying, “I totally support you in this, and I think you’d be great at it, but you need to make sure there’s still time for us.” Such a valid and realistic concept from my wonderful life partner. So I decided since a lot of my writing time was spent with my 9 picture book critique groups, I had to exit from a few of them, and also I’m so lucky to have CPs who understand that I may not always be able to be super active in our groups.

How long have you been writing picture books, and what made you want to add being an agent to that? 

I’ve been writing picture books for about 4 years now, and I wanted to become an agent for MANY reasons. After co-hosting our first contest, the Spring Fling Kidlit Contest, we got the chance to connect the winners (up-and-coming writers) to their prize donors (people in the publishing industry that were willing to help these up-and-coming writers with critiques and books), and I was just elated. I LOVE connecting people, and as you already know I LOVE LOVE LOVE critiquing picture books, and it dawned on me: that’s what agents do: they get to help edit and connect writers to publishers. I also didn’t have the best experience with my first agent, though it was a good experience overall, and I learned a lot from her. There were things I could see that could be improved, so I decided to follow Gandhi’s advice and be the change I wished to see in the world. (I sure hope I’m achieving it!)

You are definitely achieving it! 

As an agent, can you tell us what you’re looking for? 

When I read manuscripts, I’m always looking for a connection, something that I, and other readers, can connect to. This means I tend to lean more towards character-driven stories, an emotional connection, comedy, and/or learning. These all may seem disconnected to you, but that’s who I am as a person, I’m very empathetic, my life has always been filled with laughter–I may have been the class clown and definitely have a family where our idea of a good time is uproarious laughter–and I’ve always loved learning and teaching. So, if you can connect with me on one, or ideally, multiple of these levels, then I’m hooked! For more info check out my MSWL:

Aside from balancing the work, do you find that being a writer yourself helps you in your agenting, and vice versa?

Omg, yes, so much so! I’m one of those people that likes to experience things first. That’s why I was so happy that I got to complete three NASA internships before I became a math teacher, and why I love that I am a writer while I’m an agent. I can relate to my team even more because I’ve experienced many of the things they’re experiencing.

You mentioned the Spring Fling Kidlit Contest, but I know that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Will you tell us about that and your other ones? 

You are so sweet to ask, Ellen. These contests are so important to me. They were inspired by Susanna Hill and Vivian Kirkfield’s contests that help writers grow, connect, and build their websites, too. The Spring Fling Kidlit Contest was the brainchild of Ciara O’Neal when our critique group had no next contest to participate in, and I’m so happy she let me help bring it to the masses. The Fall Writing Frenzy was my brainchild, inspired by a post from SCBWI British Isles and my desire to connect people in a contest format without having a hierarchy of winners. Finally, Kidlit Zombie Week is the brainchild of Jolene Gutiérrez after our critique group discussed Brian Gehrelin’s blog post about selling his debut book. It’s hosted by our whole critique group, 6 Ladies and a MANuscript, and is coming in June! They all have lots of prizes, but our main goal is to help writers grow and connect.

I love the name of you critique group! How cute is this little zombie? And props to Kristin Wauson on this image!

I can’t wait for the new contest! 

As a writer, do you have a routine?  If so, will you please share it?

I don’t have a routine; I’m a HUGE advocate of writing when you’re inspired, but I also get motivation to write from my critique groups. If I’m at a time when I’m not inspired to write, but I have a week coming where I’m meant to share a story with my group, or where I’m critiquing a fun story that reminds me of one of my own, then it gives me the drive to dive into my writing. Though I don’t have a routine, my body sort of does. I often find myself doing my creative writing on the weekends and that state between restfulness and wakefulness is most often when I’m inspired.

What is the most rewarding part of writing for you? Of agenting? What is the most difficult part of both?

The most rewarding part of writing is when I get that image from my mind on the page exactly as my body intended. It’s almost like an out-of-body experience, like “Did that really come from me? Sweet!”

I can’t choose just one most rewarding part for agenting because I have SO much to be proud of when it comes the the amazing team I get to work with! One of the most rewarding things for me is when they NAIL their edits. Whether from my feedback or for an R&R, all my clients are stellar at editing, mainly because they know their stories so well and are just truly talented that when they get a note, they don’t just take that note, they always go beyond! And of course, getting those emails that a team member has an offer, signing contracts, sharing announcements, and someday soon, holding their books in my hands are also just phenomenal.

The most difficult part of writing is the struggle when I know something has potential but it’s not getting there. But that’s what taking time away and sharing with critique partners is for, right?

Hmm…the most difficult part of agenting is probably getting lots of passes. We know going in that editors only have a select number of books they can work on and that they have to fall head-over-heels in love with a manuscript to bring it on, so passes are just a part of the job, but when you get pass after pass after pass, as we do some times during the year, it can be very difficult, but that’s why we have a team. Commiserating with each other in our Team Sanchez Facebook group or during our team video meet ups is so helpful. I just adore this supportive team!

I can definitely relate to that, “I know this can be great,  but I can’t get it quite right” feeling. VERY frustrating! By the way, I love that you have a Team Sanchez Facebook group! What a great idea!

Where can we find you online?

Everywhere! Haha jk! Thanks for asking, here’s some places you can find me:


Twitter: @KaitlynLeann17


Instagram @KaitlynLeann17

Is there anything you want to add, that I didn’t ask you? 

Thank you so much for taking the time to ask me these fun and thoughtful questions. This Kidlit community is just so amazing and supportive; I’m so happy to be part of it. Also, I was reflecting recently on my feelings about being published. I was feeling down that I haven’t been published yet; I felt like a failure. Thoughts of “Why hasn’t this happened for me yet?” have been creeping in and bringing me down. Technically, it has happened, but my first book was canceled, so it feels like it hasn’t. Then I stopped and remembered blog posts I’ve read from wonderful people like Hannah Holt, Vivian Kirkfield, and many more where they shared how long it took them to get their first picture book published, and it reminded me that there’s still plenty of time. I tend to have that millennial, “It’s gotta happen right now” mentality, and that’s not how this business, or even this life, to be honest, works. There’s a reason my stories haven’t been picked up yet, and the reason isn’t yet clear, but as Katie Frawley reminded us in a recent blog post on the Math is Everywhere Blog, if you believe it will happen, it will, so just keep going. I’m also a huge fan of Dory, so I’m all about the “just keep swimming” mentality. So, I guess I just want everyone to know that we ALL struggle in this industry (no matter what it seems like on social media) but being there supporting each other, helps get us all through!

 I totally agree! We’ve got to keep swimming, And personally, I think I would have given up if it weren’t for the support of the KidLit community, so I’m with you there! 

Kaitlyn, thank you so much for visiting us at “Writing Outside the Lines.” It’s been a pleasure “speaking” with you. 

AND NOW…DRUMROLL! Giveaway time! Kaitlyn has generously offered to critique a picture book or the first five pages of anything else. To be in the running for this generous prize, please comment on this post. AND if you let me know if you are a follower or you just signed up, you will get an extra chance to win. 


Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez is a mom, wife, literary agent, middle school math teacher, and picture book author. She’s also the proud co-creator and co-host of the Spring Fling Kidlit Contest and Kidlit Zombie Week as well as creator and co-host of the Kidlit Fall Writing Frenzy Contest. In her free time, she loves to play soccer, binge-watch TV shows, and, of course, read, especially when she’s all cozied up with her husband and daughter reading together.

  • Pamela Harrison
    Posted at 15:05h, 12 May

    What a wonderful interview! I don’t know how Kaitlyn packs so much into her life! Wishing her great success in everything she does.

    • Kaitlyn Sanchez
      Posted at 20:58h, 19 May

      Aw, thank you so much, Pamela! You’re too sweet!

  • Deborah Holt Williams
    Posted at 15:05h, 12 May

    Great interview! I love your “Just keep swimming” attitude. I’ve been swimming 24 years now–I’m pretty pruney! But I signed with an agent a month ago so I’m more convinced than ever that it will happen. Thanks for the reminder that it can take a loooong time. So sorry your book was cancelled! But I know you’ll be published soon.

    • Kaitlyn Sanchez
      Posted at 21:04h, 19 May

      Thanks so much, Deborah! I’m so excited for you; keep us updated and when your first book with your agent comes out, and I sure appreciate your well wishes, too!

  • Amy Leskowski
    Posted at 15:22h, 12 May

    This is such a fantastic interview!! It seems to really get to the heart of Kaitlyn. I can definitely relate to juggling lots of things I love and finding ways to make time for them all as well as having to part with a few critique groups in order to focus on the top priorities. Congrats on your move to Context, Kaitlyn. Excited to follow your careers as an agent and as an author. I’m Dory-swimming alongside you!

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 15:29h, 12 May

    Love this interview, Ellen and Kaitlyn! Your contests are amazing, Kaitlyn…and I have to pass the role model baton over to Susanna Hill, because it was she who inspired me to do #50PreciousWords. I’m so happy that you are working with writers…and I’m sure your clients absolutely love you.
    I don’t need to be in the running for a critique – I’ll leave that opportunity for the others who would love to get a manuscript in front of you. 🙂

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 19:05h, 19 May

      Thank you, Vivian!

  • Sara L Kruger
    Posted at 15:40h, 12 May

    I love all your contests! And I love Dory 😁

  • Savannah Rogers
    Posted at 15:41h, 12 May

    I enjoyed hearing more from Kaitlyn, thank you. She sounds like a fun friend and talented go-getter!

    I am looking for the sign-up form to follow your blog on here, it might be missing from my phone where I surf the internet. But I did go like your author page on Facebook, maybe that will count. 😊

  • Markie Hayes
    Posted at 15:56h, 12 May

    Great interview! I’ve really enjoyed following Kaitlyn’s journey via Twitter and participating in Spring Fling. She’s always so positive and encouraging, and that’s something we need more of after this past year. I also now need to come up with a fun name for our critique group…BRB.

  • Gennie Gorback
    Posted at 15:58h, 12 May

    What an awesome interview!

    I hope Kaitlyn finds a way to bottle her energy someday, we’d all buy some! 🙂

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 19:06h, 19 May

      Right, Gennie? We could all use some! Thanks for commenting.

  • Sheila Schmotzer
    Posted at 15:59h, 12 May

    Who says you can’t have it all?

    This supergirl is living her best life and I love hearing the joy she has to move forward helping others.

    Thank you for this interview Ellen.
    I’m happy to say I’m a follower of you both. have great interest in sharing with Kaitlyn my newest PB bio.

  • Gennie Gorback
    Posted at 15:59h, 12 May

    P.s. I’m a new subscriber. Hooray!!!!

  • Cheryl Johnson
    Posted at 16:09h, 12 May

    Great questions and answers! Encouraging, inspiring, and reminding me that I’m not on this journey alone ~ thanks!

    Also, I just signed up for your emails, Ellen.

  • Heather Stigall
    Posted at 16:10h, 12 May

    Great interview, Ellen and Kaitlyn! Kaitlyn seems like an energizer bunny who thrives with a lot on her plate. I agree with her “just keep swimming” sentiment. We can’t get there if we don’t keep trying,

  • Riya
    Posted at 16:11h, 12 May

    Wow! That’s a lot of hats, Kaitlyn. Keep swimming.. Keep swimming.. 🤞
    Much luck to you!

  • Rene Bartos
    Posted at 16:15h, 12 May

    Thank you for this inspiring interview and for the great advice and encouragement! I am following.

  • Hollie Wolverton
    Posted at 16:19h, 12 May

    This was such a fun read! Sometimes I feel like the more I have to do, the more I get done…and I think Kaitlyn might just totally embody that. Loved getting a peek at how she does it “all” (and what she’s realized she needs to step back from). Thank you for offering the critique opportunity! I just signed up as follower too.

  • Susan Leigh Needham
    Posted at 16:28h, 12 May

    So glad I found this post. Great interview! I loved participating the the Fall Writing Frenzy and will keep my eye open to the details of the Kidlit Zombie Week coming in June. It sounds fun! I am now following you Ellen on twitter. Thank you for doing this giveaway.

  • Cheryl
    Posted at 16:37h, 12 May

    Congratulations on your new job. Hope it goes swimmingly for you — whether ocean sailing or land sailing.
    Ellen — I’m already a follower. 😊

  • Mia Geiger
    Posted at 16:41h, 12 May

    Congratulations, Kaitlyn, on your new position! Very exciting! Thank you for this very interesting interview and sharing your thoughts. Very inspiring! 🙂

  • Gauri Dalvi Pandya
    Posted at 16:57h, 12 May

    Absolutely loved reading this interview! So insightful. Following 🙂

  • Ashley Rogers
    Posted at 17:05h, 12 May

    I recently decided to focus more on my writing, so I greatly appreciate these interviews and resources like this blog (I just signed up!). I missed this year’s Spring Fling contest, but already set up a reminder for next year! 🙂 Thanks to Ellen and Kaitlyn for helping me get into this community! I feel like I’m finding new ways to connect to the kidlit community each day!

  • Christina Frigo
    Posted at 17:13h, 12 May

    Happy to read this interview with someone I’ve seen all over the kidlit world. I would love a chance at a critique with Kaitlyn! Thanks for the opportunity. Signing up for your mailing list now. 🙂

  • Kathy Halsey
    Posted at 17:33h, 12 May

    Kaitlyn, I love your attitude and positive outlook. Congrats on the agent position, Team Sanchez and I know you’re “published author” day is coming soon, as is mine. Ellen is a personal writer friend and I’m thrilled her FLOOD OF KINDNESS is now in my book collection. Huzzah to you both.

  • Dina Towbin
    Posted at 17:34h, 12 May

    Kaitlyn- It’s always a pleasure to hear from you and learn about your journey. Thanks for sharing with us!

  • Dina Towbin
    Posted at 17:36h, 12 May

    I’m a Twitter follower of both of you.

  • Erin Rew
    Posted at 18:14h, 12 May

    Thank you for this interview Ellen and Kaitlyn. I just love Kaitlyn’s joy and positivity. It radiates through everything she does and is very inspiring.

  • Erin Cleary
    Posted at 18:25h, 12 May

    What a helpful interview. Thanks for your great questions, Ellen, and thoughtful answers, Kaitlyn. It’s always nice to have reminders to stay positive in this industry that will test you to your very limits. Ellen, I just followed you on Twitter and your blog–I’ll take any extra chance to win the critique! 🙂 Plus, I will look forward to more great posts!

  • Rosanna Montanaro
    Posted at 18:28h, 12 May

    What a great interview. Thank you both! Thank you Kaitlyn for all that you do. You inspire so many 🙂 I have really enjoyed your contests and learned so much. I am very very grateful! Congratulations on your success – I know published books are in your future. Ellen, I just followed you! Found your site and this article through an RT. All the best to you both! Rosanna Montanaro

  • Debra Daugherty
    Posted at 18:56h, 12 May

    Kaitlyn is an inspiration to me. I follow her on twitter, and am amazed at all she accomplishes. And she is so supportive of other authors and illustrators. This is a great interview, Vivian, and like you, I often wonder where Kaitlyn finds the extra hours in each day.

  • Chloe Ward
    Posted at 19:02h, 12 May

    I love reading interviews with agent/authors! So much great information shared. Kaitlyn is just overall wonderful for all the time she dedicates to helping aspiring authors. Also- 9 picture book critique groups?!?! Wow I need to step it up!! Thanks for the interview Ellen, I’m a new follower ❤️

  • Jenna Hammond
    Posted at 19:11h, 12 May

    Thank you for this motivational interview and all of the opportunities you both broadcast! All the talk of contests to maintain creative momentum has me thinking I should compete with myself when writing becomes trivial. I miss the creative writing days of my youth. Why not invent personal contests for perpetual fresh material? Seriously, I have been amazed at the talent in recent social media contests. Keep inspiring! And thank you for the critique offer. I am a follower eager for a second chance to win.

  • Aileen Stewart
    Posted at 19:19h, 12 May

    Your passion is evident Kaitlyn. Best wishes in all your literary endeavors!

  • Rebecca Gardyn Levington
    Posted at 20:05h, 12 May

    Such a great interview!! Kaitlyn is already my agent so no need to enter me in the drawing, but I just wanted to poke my head in and say Kaitlyn is fabulous and I’m so grateful to have her in my corner.

  • Sarah Lontine
    Posted at 20:20h, 12 May

    Thanks Kaitlyn and Ellen for this interview! I agree, the kidlit community is the best! Thanks for the peek into your process as a writer and agent, Kaitlyn–and for the advice to “just keep swimming!”

  • Sarah Lontine
    Posted at 20:22h, 12 May

    Oh, and I just subscribed to your blog, Ellen! I can’t believe I didn’t know about it before!

  • Catherine Friess
    Posted at 20:27h, 12 May

    I really enjoyed reading this interview! I’m so excited to hear that Kidlit Zombie Week is back next month. It was so much fun last year :o)

  • Laken Slate
    Posted at 20:38h, 12 May

    I SOO needed this interview today. Especially the response to the super thoughtful, “Is there anything you’d like to add?” question. I know your books are coming, Kaitlyn! And they will be even better at the right time.

  • Megan McNamara
    Posted at 20:43h, 12 May

    I’ve also been writing picture books for four years! A lot of what Kaitlyn said resonated with me, especially trying to control the “It’s gotta happen now” mentality. Thanks for the great interview!

    Also, I am new to this website. I just signed up!

  • Carrie Karnes Fannin
    Posted at 21:04h, 12 May

    Ellen & Kaitlyn–thank you for the great interview. Loved Kaitlyn’s description of those precious & few golden moments in writing:

    “The most rewarding part of writing is when I get that image from my mind on the page exactly as my body intended. It’s almost like an out-of-body experience, like “Did that really come from me? Sweet!”

    It amazing when that happens!

    (Funnily enough, I find that I move my head and body with the scene as I’m describing action. Seems to make the words flow somehow.)

    Thank you both for all you do to support the #kidlit community.

  • Eileen Mayo
    Posted at 21:15h, 12 May

    What a great interview! You have such a positive attitude Kaitlyn. I have that same Dory “just keep swimming” mantra flowing in my head most days. The kidlit writing community is such a supportive group of people. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  • Carrie Karnes Fannin
    Posted at 21:15h, 12 May

    Oh, forgot to say–I’m a new subscriber!

  • Brenda Whitehead
    Posted at 21:39h, 12 May

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Kaitlyn! I love your contests, and your energy is contagious! 🙂

  • Heidi
    Posted at 21:46h, 12 May

    Thank you for sharing Kaitlyn, and for putting so much positive energy into the kidlit community.

    I’m in awe of the fact you were in nine critique groups. I felt fancy being in two. Ha!

  • Penelope McNally
    Posted at 21:58h, 12 May

    Great interview! I love your contagious, optimistic spirit Kaitlyn. Congrats on all of your successes! There’s a whole lot of us swimming along beside you – we’ll all get there soon!
    Just signing up for this blog, thanks Ellen!

  • Shaunda Wenger
    Posted at 22:08h, 12 May

    Thank you so much for sharing this conversation with Kaitlyn. I love her enthusiasm and positive outlook about the lifts that our connections give us in this publishing business.

    Your blog is one I’ll be following for those lifts, advice and guidance. Thank you!

  • Elyse Trevers
    Posted at 22:12h, 12 May

    They say if you want something done, give it to a busy person. Not only are you busy, you are passionate about what you do and it’s contagious

  • Christine Alemshah
    Posted at 23:19h, 12 May

    I just followed you on Twitter, Ellen! And I’ve been following Kaitlyn since February. Kaitlyn, you are indeed an inspiration for me to keep my head up, stay busy, and keep following my dream! I was delighted to read this interview. Funny thing — I also kept super busy in college. Reflecting on it now, I have no idea how I kept up! (Sorority president, Choir Secretary, part-time job at Linen’s N Things, Full 15 credit course load, and three different choral groups I was a part of!) Great memories, though!! They helped fuel my creativity and adjust to the mom/writing life balance.

  • Stacey Corrigan
    Posted at 00:30h, 13 May

    Great interview. Kaitlyn and I were at the same agency for a brief period of time. She worked hard to promote authors even before she was an agent. It is in her blood.

    I follow both of you on Twitter.

  • Jim Chaize
    Posted at 00:30h, 13 May

    I’m excited to learn more about the new contest. Kaitlyn sure seems like she’d be a super agent for anyone.

  • Kaitlyn L Sanchez
    Posted at 00:40h, 13 May

    Thanks so much for this lovely interview, Ellen!

  • Linda Hofke
    Posted at 00:45h, 13 May

    What a great interview. I love Kaitlyn’s enthusiasm and energy. She is really passionate about all she does. And she does so much!

  • Kim Delude
    Posted at 00:47h, 13 May

    Just subscribed! What a fantastic interview. I’ve been following Kaitlyn’s journey on twitter and love learning more about her and her journey.

  • Beth Schneider
    Posted at 00:56h, 13 May

    I wish I had the energy Kaitlyn does! It’s inspiring!

  • Kaitlyn L Sanchez
    Posted at 00:57h, 13 May

    Aw thanks so much, Jim!

  • Ellen Leventhal
    Posted at 01:00h, 13 May

    It was wonderful interviewing Kaitlyn. Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments and the new blog sign-ups. I hope you “newbies” will enjoy it.

  • Kellie Tune
    Posted at 01:12h, 13 May

    Thank you for sharing your story. It’s tough juggling but good to know what the priorities are.

  • Beth Elliott
    Posted at 01:21h, 13 May

    It’s wonderful to learn more about Kaitlyn A.K.A. Energizer Bunny. The contests that Kaitlyn had started or is part of are fabulous and very inspiring as they get me to think about ways to give back to the Kidlit community. Thank you for the post Ellen and Kaitlyn!

  • Nancy Gow
    Posted at 01:58h, 13 May

    Ellen, I just subscribed to your blog. And Kaitlyn – I see that smiling face whenever I open my twitter account. All that positive energy is contagious.
    Since you “LOVE, LOVE, LOVE critiquing picture books, I just happen to have a new story that I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your take on.
    And I wish you all the best at Context Literary.
    Thank you both!

  • Christina Dendy
    Posted at 02:06h, 13 May

    Thoroughly enjoyed this, and I always love Kaitlyn’s blog. I’m curious whether she works math into her manuscripts … 🙂

  • DJ Christie
    Posted at 02:40h, 13 May

    Truly enjoyed this interview. Kaitlyn’s joyful personality really shines through. And, I hadn’t heard kidlit-osphere before…that needs to be a thing! Thanks, Ellen for putting this out there.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 17:27h, 24 May

      Ha ha, DJ! I made “kidlitosphere” up. Nice to meet you.

  • Danielle
    Posted at 02:51h, 13 May

    Wishing you a smooth transition, and am in awe of how you can do all of this! Just one of your jobs is a full time job!

  • Mariana Rios
    Posted at 02:52h, 13 May

    Thanks so much for sharing. I loved learning more about Kaitlyn. Wow! It’s amazing all the things you do at the same time 😄 I always get the feeling from you that you’re a person who lives with lots of passion and shares it in everything you do. Thank you! Good luck on your new adventure.

  • Sherri T. Mercer
    Posted at 02:57h, 13 May

    I live to read post of Kaitlyn’s interviews. She’s very encouraging and her energy energizes me. She make me smile. I follow Kaitlyn already and will be sure to follow, if I’m not following.

  • Pj McIlvaine
    Posted at 03:02h, 13 May

    great interview!

  • Tonnye Fletcher
    Posted at 03:08h, 13 May

    Great interview! Yes, Kaitlyn, I agree that I do better too with a full plate! Good luck with hitting that first pub goal and for doing so much for kidlit in the meantime! Thanks Ellen! I’m subscribing too!

  • Susan Johnston Taylor
    Posted at 03:32h, 13 May

    Wow, I thought I was in too many critique groups, but NINE has to be some kind of record. Your clients are fortunate to have such a dynamo rooting for them and shepherding their projects through the submission process!

  • Shamaila Siddique
    Posted at 04:02h, 13 May

    What a fascinating interview! Three NASA internships. I am the same way; I like to experience things before I commit. Thank you doing this critique giveaway. I find picture books are very tricky to nail.

    Lastly, I am a new subscriber!

  • Shamyla Siddique
    Posted at 04:04h, 13 May

    What a fascinating interview! Three NASA internships. I am the same way; I like to experience things before I commit. Thank you doing this critique giveaway. I find picture books are very tricky to nail.

    Lastly, I am a new subscriber!

  • Allison Strick
    Posted at 04:04h, 13 May

    Thank you Ellen and Kaitlyn for this interview! Particularly needed that last bit about never giving up. I’m a new subscriber and can’t wait to see more posts like this!

  • Brittany Pomalez
    Posted at 05:00h, 13 May

    Fabulous interview. Thank you for the insight!

  • Maria DAlessandro
    Posted at 05:45h, 13 May

    What a great interview with such a generous member of this community. thank you both! subscribing 🙂

  • Melissa Chupp
    Posted at 05:50h, 13 May

    I wish I had your energy Kaitlyn!

  • Erin Siska
    Posted at 07:18h, 13 May

    Great interview, thank you! Kaitlyn is a ray of sunshine. I would love to win a critique from her.

  • Sarah Woods
    Posted at 10:34h, 13 May

    9 critique groups? Say whaaaaaa?
    This girl is on 🔥.

    Thanks for the great interview. I just followed you on Twitter!


  • Lisa Acuff
    Posted at 12:58h, 13 May

    I enjoyed reading this interview! Thank you, Ellen, for creating the opportunity to “peek” into Kaitlyn’s writing and motivations. And thank you, Kaitlyn, for your generous sharing.

    Ellen, I just began following you on twitter. Congratulations on A FLOOD OF KINDNESS!

    Twitter: @lisa_m_acuff
    Instagram: lisa.michelle.acuff

  • Kelly Lee
    Posted at 13:08h, 13 May

    Really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for the encouragement Kaitlyn and Ellen! Just gotta keep swimming!

    Just signed up as a follower. I look forward to seeing more! 🙂

  • Callie
    Posted at 13:11h, 13 May

    What a great interview! Congrats on your new position, Kaitlyn! And Ellen, I just followed you on Twitter too. Thanks for making this space available 🙂

  • Amy Barry
    Posted at 13:26h, 13 May

    Wow I wish I also wish I had Kaitlyn’s energy too! Thank you for a great interview, it was interesting to find out more about such a supportive and lovely member of the kidlit community. I am subscribing now 😀

  • Gabriella Aldeman
    Posted at 13:49h, 13 May

    Thank you for the interview. Kaitlyn has such an entrepreneurial spirit! It would be awesome to win a critique form her.

  • Rhett Trull
    Posted at 14:18h, 13 May

    Fantastic interview! One thing I love about Kaitlyn is the positive energy behind everything she says and does. Such a generous way to live.

  • Kathy Watson
    Posted at 16:05h, 13 May

    Feeling inspired by Kaitlyn’s awesome energy and positive attitude! Thank you for sharing this fun interview!

  • Kathy Watson
    Posted at 16:05h, 13 May

    Feeling inspired by Kaitlyn’s awesome energy and positive attitude! Thank you for sharing this fun interview!

  • Lindsey Aduskevich
    Posted at 18:52h, 13 May

    Thank you for this fantastic interview! I love reading Kaitlyn’s words. They exude so much energy and passion. I also really needed to read that part about how feelings of “why am I not published yet” creep in and start to get you down. We are all in this together and need to just keep on swimming! I am signing for your blog right now Ellen. 🙂

  • Molly Ippolito
    Posted at 20:03h, 13 May

    This was a great read! I loved Kaitlyn’s inspiring thoughts that capture just how challenging writing can be. It’s a great reminder that we’re all in this together! I also happen to ADORE the layout of your website, Ellen! It’s just beautiful! I just became your newest follower! 🙂 Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  • Amy Hillman
    Posted at 22:08h, 13 May

    Wow! Fun interview!
    Signed up for email notifications too!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:31h, 14 May

      Thanks for signing up! Yes, Kaitlyn is fun!

  • Phyllis
    Posted at 22:25h, 13 May

    Thank you for sharing this interview! I love learning more about all the hats Kaitlyn wears. I’m a follower now too 🙂

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 15:13h, 16 May

      Thank you, Phyllis! Kaitlyn is definitely amazing!

  • Debbie Evelyn
    Posted at 02:43h, 14 May

    I really enjoyed reading this! Kaitlyn, thank you for sharing your story and words of wisdom. Sounds like you are an amazing agent! Also, fun fact, I was a grocery bagger in college too – such a fun job for that time of life! 😀 Oh, I also subscribed to this blog – thank you!

  • Diane Tulloch
    Posted at 14:18h, 14 May

    What a lovely interview Ellen. I love your bubbly and positive energetic personality Kaitlyn. Love learning more about you. (have signed up)

  • Amy Sinn
    Posted at 18:19h, 14 May

    Great interview Ellen and Kaitlyn! Thanks for the opportunity! (I’m a follower.)

  • Stacey Miller
    Posted at 13:50h, 15 May

    Thank you so much for this brilliant interview, Kaitlyn is an amazing person who does so much for the kidlit community. I have also signed up to this wonderful blog.

  • Carol Cole
    Posted at 13:53h, 16 May

    I love your interview. I totally agree about making time for the things you love. Thank you for the opportunity for a PB critique. I follow you on Twitter and just signed up for your blog.

  • Marcia Strykowski
    Posted at 14:58h, 17 May

    What a great opportunity and inspiring interview; Kaitlyn is amazing! Thanks, Ellen, all signed up for your blog!

  • Amy Benoit
    Posted at 15:30h, 17 May

    Kaitlyn, you inspire me!!

    Balance is key and it sounds like you are a master!

  • Audrey Day-Williams
    Posted at 20:02h, 17 May

    Kaitlyn’s enthusiasm is infectious and it really comes through in this fantastic interview. Thanks for sharing!

  • Robin Alter
    Posted at 22:51h, 19 May

    Ellen & Kaitlyn, Thank you both for the wonderful interview and amazing giveaway. Mostly, thanks for the inspiring words. Makes me want to pick up pen (or sit at laptop) and put words on paper. I used to attend SCBWI events years (decades?) ago and just came back to “finding” this incredible group of people during the pandemic. Thank you for being so generous with your time and talent and knowledge.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:58h, 20 May

      Robin! Are you the Robin Alter from Houston? Shelenker? And Lita’s sister? YES, you are, I think! (There is no picture on this comment). Once things are open again, please come to an SCBWI meeting with me! So happy you’re joining this community!

  • Sarah Meade
    Posted at 14:25h, 20 May

    Great interview, Ellen! Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom and your journey, Kaitlyn! Looking forward to #KidLitZombieWeek!

  • Carrie Charley Brown
    Posted at 02:55h, 21 May

    Thanks for the inspiring interview, Kaitlyn and Ellen!