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Author Laura Roettiger and a Giveaway

Whenever anyone asks me the best part of writing for children, my answer is “Connection.” I love connecting with kids through school visits (I cannot wait to get back to in-person visits!) and connecting with so many wonderful people who write and/or illustrate kids’ books. Although Laura Roettiger and I haven’t met in person YET, I feel like I know her. So I am thrilled to welcome her to “Writing Outside the Lines.”

Welcome, Laura. Let’s talk about Aliana Reaches for the Moon. I love that book. Is there a story behind the story? If so, please share.

Thanks for asking, Ellen. I had several different sources of inspiration for Aliana and Gustavo, including my own children and some of my students from years of teaching in Chicago. My last year teaching, I had some of the sweetest children and was especially touched by the love between siblings. Moving to a remote area in the Roosevelt National Forest west of Boulder, Colorado, I discovered the brightness of the moon when it wasn’t diminished by light pollution. These are the main two elements I combined to write ALIANA REACHES FOR THE MOON.

I don’t want to give anything away to people who haven’t read it, but one thing I love in your book is the mixture of art and science. Are you a person who enjoys both science and art?

YES, I love both. My own visual art is photography. I’m inspired by nature and Colorado is a great place to enjoy both. I love art in all its forms; from the beautiful illustrations in picture books to paintings in museums. Regarding science, I think it’s fascinating. I had one daughter in particular who was always taking things apart, building, and exploring. She spent a lot of time experimenting and I allowed my children to be creative and messy. Aliana definitely is modeled on that.

Aside from the wonderful writing, the illustrations are gorgeous!

Will you tell us a little about your road to publication?

I was lucky to have a publisher interested in my book (Eifrig Publishing) when it was very rough and needed a lot of revision. She gave me excellent feedback, and we worked on it for over a year until we had the contract. I probably should have waited to submit until I knew more about the current market, but it worked out.

It certainly did work out! What are you working on now? Anything in the pipeline you’d like to share?

I’m working on a few new picture books. I’m on target for my 12×12 drafts this year. Last year was a bit of a disaster writing-wise, if I’m being honest. I didn’t do any writing from April – December, but I committed to writing again for 2021. I’m also working on an MG which is in the very rough stage of character maps, and I have some plot points but not enough of a story arc yet, so I can’t decide if I should just get a crummy first draft written and worry about that later, or sit and think about it a lot without doing any actual writing past the first page. As I read this, I know I need to stop procrastinating. Thanks, Ellen.

Ah, procrastination, my dear old friend. We’ll work on this together. 🙂 Aside from writing yourself, you boost others with your blog. I know it’s so appreciated. Tell us a little about how that got started, what your goal for it is, and how you keep going.

Thanks, Ellen. As part of my recommitment to writing, I decided to revamp my blog and offer author/illustrator interviews. So far everyone has included a giveaway which makes it more fun for everyone and easier to promote. As you know, I have each interviewee include a photo of themself as a child. That’s my favorite part of the interviews and I love letting people know they won a prize.

I loved being on your blog. Thank you so much again! What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?

I spend as much time as possible outside every day, and a lot of that is hiking with Charlie, my Goldendoodle. I also enjoy cooking, and that was a good creative outlet during the pandemic. Also, travel is a passion of mine and now that we are vaccinated, I’ve taken a few trips and hope to plan a few more for 2021 and beyond.

Oh, yes. Anyone who follows Laura on social media knows Charlie. If you don’t follow her, you should. She has a lot of good info and great things to say. And then, of course, there’s Charlie.

Check out Laura and Charlie here. Both kind of cute, right?

Here’s how you can stay in contact with Laura (and probably get to know Charlie!) to order a signed copy, follow my blog or connect with me for virtual and in-person visits.

I’m @ljrwritenow on Twitter and Instagram

And now for the GIVEAWAY! Laura has generously offered a signed copy of Aliana Reaches for the Moon to one lucky reader in the U.S. To get in the running, please comment on this post. If you’d like to have more than one entry, please let me know that you are a follower of this blog or that you just signed up.

Laura, thanks for visiting with us today!

Happy Summer, everyone!


  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 14:51h, 09 June

    Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Ellen! And I credit you for getting me to STOP procrastinating and START drafting my MG!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 15:31h, 09 June

      So I guess that means I have to stop procrastinating too, huh? We’ll do it together! Loved having you on the blog.

  • Deborah Holt Williams
    Posted at 15:10h, 09 June

    Congratulations on your book, Laura! Colorado has inspired me, too—I’m in Glenwood Springs—especially the Ute history here. Love that you blended art and scoence.

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:35h, 14 June

      Thanks so much Deborah! I hope we get to meet up at a future in-person SCBWI event.

  • Beth Anderson
    Posted at 15:11h, 09 June

    good to hear you’re back at it, Laura! Take a look at The Plot Whisperer if you haven’t already – excellent to help build the plot framework 🙂

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:36h, 14 June

      Thanks, Beth. It was a rough 2020 but I’m back and one of my critique partners and I are meeting weekly this summer which should help a lot.I’ll look for that book suggestion.

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 15:35h, 09 June

    Love the post…and Ellen, I have met Laura in person, several times…and you also…now we have to find a way to all get together! I don’t need to be in the running to win a copy because I already have mine – and today I’m having a set of antique bookshelves moved from my across the street neighbor’s house to mine…hurray – I will finally be able to unbox my picture book collection – I’m excited to put ALIANA REACHES FOR THE MOON back on a shelf where it belongs!

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:38h, 14 June

      Vivian, as always, you bring a smile to my face. I can’t wait until we can see each other again in person. And I’m going to need you to sign a book or two for me.

  • Norene Paulson
    Posted at 16:34h, 09 June

    Thank you, Laura and Ellen, for sharing. Having been an interviewee on your blog, Laura, it was fun to see the tables turned and learn more about you, your writing journey, and your new book.

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:42h, 14 June

      Hi Norene, I am so grateful to have connected with you on my blog. It’s fun being on either side of the interview, but I agree it’s really fun to learn about the path everyone took to publishing. Thanks for reading.

  • Janet Sheets
    Posted at 18:47h, 10 June

    I subscribe to both blogs and love being introduced to so many interesting writers and books. Aliana Reaches for the Moon is on my to-read list. Thank you, Laura and Ellen!

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:44h, 14 June

      Janet, thank you so much for all your support of my blog and for reading this interview. If you don’t win the giveaway here, and want to buy a signed copy, just let me know.

  • Diane Tulloch
    Posted at 13:24h, 11 June

    A lovely interview ladies. Love the book and hope to see it down under soon.

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:46h, 14 June

      Thanks for reading, Diana. I would LOVE to visit your beautiful country when travel opens up again so maybe one day I can bring you one!

  • Rebecca Gardyn Levington
    Posted at 17:34h, 11 June

    Great interview and look forward to reading the book! (I’m also a follower of your blog, which is great, btw) 🙂

    • Laura Roettiger
      Posted at 02:47h, 14 June

      Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for reading.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 13:42h, 19 June

      Ah, thanks, Rebecca! I appreciate it. 🙂