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The Magic of Summer and WHOOPS!

Dear Friends,

I messed up!! Somehow my unedited blog post went out! EEK! I didn’t finish revising and editing, and..WHOOPS! I think I hit something which published my unfinished, poorly written mess of a post. I am SO sorry and even more embarrassed! (And VERY sad! )

SO…I will try to see what I can do, but for now….

It was supposed to be about the magic of summer, even when things go wrong. Maybe I should look at this in that light.

More to come.

Hopefully yours,


  • Chloe Ward
    Posted at 22:25h, 21 June

    Don’t feel embarrassed! It’s good to be reminded that the writers we look up to are human too 😉

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 22:31h, 21 June

      OMG, Chloe! That is the sweetest thing. I look up to YOU too! Hugs!

  • Pamela Harrison
    Posted at 23:58h, 21 June

    Oh, Ellen, I understand how this could happen. You don’t need to be embarrassed. You fans will still be fans.

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 23:58h, 21 June

    I’ve done that several times, Ellen. But I immediately deleted the post. And never thought to send out a sweet blog post apology as you did. So my readers wondered why they got notification of a blog post but when they tried to open it, there was nothing.
    We will wait patiently for the post you intended for us.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:29h, 22 June

      Vivian, I couldn’t delete it because I didn’t know it was published until it appeared in my email! AKK! I was able to “Rewrite and republish.” However, it updated on this site, and I posted it on my Facebook page, but it doesn’t seem to have sent out the new version. Hopefully people will see it on my page. Yikes!

  • Pamela Harrison
    Posted at 23:59h, 21 June

    Well, look at my first response. I didn’t proofread carefully! Of course, I meant “Your” fans!