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Michal Babay

Today we welcome, my friend Michal Babay to “Writing Outside the Lines.” Michal and I “met” (sorry to say not in real life…YET) in our wonderful 2021 marketing group, The Picture Book Scribblers. We’ve since connected to discuss different projects, and I’ve gotten to know her a lot better. LUCKY ME!  But what I always knew is that she wrote a fabulous book that is not only entertaining, but it will open your eyes to something most of us didn’t know. 

So, welcome, Michal! Please tell us about your latest book, I’M A GLUTEN SNIFFING SERVICE DOG. Is there a story behind the story? 

Hi Ellen, there is definitely a story behind the story here! This book is based on our real gluten-detection service dog and was inspired by my oldest child’s terrible struggles with celiac disease. I wanted to write a book that showed readers how serious this autoimmune disease actually is, while also telling an entertaining story. And I also wanted to show how service dogs are trained for scent work! So, even though it’s told from the dog’s point of view and is fiction, it is all based on our real story.

I love how you introduce readers to both Gluten Sniffing Service Dogs and celiac disease. Although you make it clear that Alice does not feel well when she eats certain foods, you do it in a way that is not frightening. Was that difficult?

It was difficult because I REALLY wanted to dump every celiac fact into the story. But when I did, UGH. That was one boring, dry story! Thank goodness my critique partners and agent helped me hone in on the heart of the story by reminding me (many times!) that it’s ok to tell Alice’s story between the lines and to keep Chewie’s story as the main focus. By having Chewie react to Alice’s pain, I think it shows how badly gluten affects a person with celiac, but without hitting the reader over the head with lots of medical information.

I think you did that very well. I also love the illustrations. The cover of the book pulled me in, and the interiors are just was wonderful. Props to Ela Smietanka! 





Let’s talk a bit about you. How long have you been writing picture books? Can you briefly tell us a bit about your journey to publication?

I’ve been seriously writing picture books since 2015, but I didn’t get a book deal or an agent until August of 2019.

2015 = I became serious about writing towards publication and took classes online.

2016-2017 = writing/taking online classes/finding my critique groups/joining 12×12/writing some more

2018 = very little writing happened because my daughter was in and out of hospitals all year due to celiac-related physical issues and depression. I didn’t write anything new all year. The only agents I queried were through the Gold membership of 12×12 each month.

2019 = My kid was finally back home, and healthy both physically and mentally. So now, it was time to focus on writing again! I signed up for an SCBWI conference in Florida, along with the opportunity to have editors critique two of my manuscripts. Thank goodness I did! Yolanda Scott from Charlesbridge critiqued my rewrite of an old Yiddish folktale and loved it. After the conference, I sent the manuscript to her as part of the SCBWI conference submission opportunities, and (7 months later) she sent me an offer! I immediately sent out emails to all agents who were considering GLUTEN-DOG, letting them know I had an offer of publication on a different manuscript. Laurel Symonds had been considering my work previously, and when she responded asking for a phone call, I couldn’t believe it. This was the agent I’d wanted to work with the most! Laurel offered to represent me, we signed our contracts, and then got right to work revising GLUTEN-DOG to prepare it for submission.

2020 = GLUTEN-DOG went out on submission and sold to Albert Whitman. And then, in the crazy way that publishing works, I ended up signing BOTH contracts in one week: I’M A GLUTEN-SNIFFING SERVICE DOG and THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING LUNCHROOM! It was incredible to go from zero books to two books in one week!

2021 = I’M A GLUTEN-SNIFFING SERVICE DOG came out in April. WOO HOOOOO! The super talented Paula Cohen agreed to illustrate THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING LUNCHROOM, which will be out in summer 2022. We sold another story to Charlesbridge that hasn’t been announced yet, and I’m working on those edits right now. It’s been a long and winding road, but I wouldn’t trade a second of any of it.

That’s fabulous! I’m thrilled for you, but I know it took a lot of work. And I’m so happy your child is doing well. 

Do you have a writing routine? If so, please tell us about it.

I do almost all of my creative work in the morning or late at night. For some reason, between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m. I can’t focus on anything creative! Of course, this could be because I have three teenagers at home, so there are interruptions galore in the afternoon/evenings.

To stay focused in the mornings, I use an hourglass sand timer. If I need to step away from my computer during that hour, I’ll lay the hourglass on its side so that the timer is paused, and simply stand it back up to resume my hour when I’m ready. This is the only thing I’ve found that keeps me from playing on social media or making phone calls when I’m supposed to be writing!

That’s such a good idea. I am definitely going to “steal” the hourglass idea. I’ll give you credit when I sit down to write. 🙂

What advice do you have for aspiring Kid Lit authors?

I’m sure you’ve all heard this before, but it is the truth – DON’T GIVE UP. If this is your dream, then keep writing and keep working on making it a reality. Join Tara Lazar’s Storystorm, and Julie Hedlund’s 12×12. Find a critique group! Look for people who support your dream but are also honest about your work – you want people who will push you to revise and rewrite your stories until they are as strong as possible. And on that note, KEEP WRITING. Keep creating. Keep working.

You never know what amazing idea is waiting nearby for you to catch it.

Can you tell us anything about any events coming up or any books in the pipeline?

THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING LUNCHROOM, illustrated by Paula Cohen, comes out in summer 2022 from Charlesbridge. I also have another book (not yet announced) coming out with Charlesbridge in 2023.


Let’s tell everyone where they can get your book. 

I’M A GLUTEN-SNIFFING SERVICE DOG is available anywhere books are sold (if your local store doesn’t have it in stock, they can order it for you).

You can buy it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Bookshop through my website:

And where can people follow you on social media?




Michal is kindly giving one lucky winner a signed copy of her book. In order to enter, just comment on this post, and get an extra entry if you mention you are a follower.

That you so much for visiting with us today, Michal!

Thanks for having me, Ellen.

My pleasure! 


Until next time,


Don’t Eat the Bluebonnets 

Lola Can’t Leap 

A Flood of Kindness

If interested I’d love you to check out my website, to learn a bit more about me, my books, and my school visits.

















  • Chana Stiefel
    Posted at 16:05h, 21 July

    Such a wonderful interview!! Congrats on all of your success Michal!

  • Pamela Harrison
    Posted at 18:29h, 21 July

    What a wonderful interview, Ellen! Writing this picture book from the therapy dog’s point of view will certainly appeal to children. I know several people with celiac disease and it can be tough especially for children. Congratulations to Michal!

    • Michal
      Posted at 22:08h, 21 July

      Thank you, Pamela! Celiac really is a tough disease to navigate, especially for kids. I hope this helps kids with celiac feel seen in kidlit!

  • Diane Tulloch
    Posted at 08:28h, 22 July

    Lovely interview ladies. The book looks very cute and colorful while covering a very important topic. (love your photo with your dog too.) It’s amazing what these dogs can do. I know of a couple of friends who are gluten intolerant.

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 19:07h, 24 July

    I love this book so much, and the author! Such a great interview, and I loved that you said you wanted to put every fact about celiac in the book but pared it down which made it even better. Revising is so hard, but it’s where the magic happens!
    If there’s a giveaway, don’t enter me because I already have this fabulous book.