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Annette Schottenfeld and A Giveaway…Take Two!

EL:  Hello again, everyone! I hope that the internet gremlins are full and are done munching on my images and text. I want to welcome the fabulous (and understanding) Annette Schottenfeld to my blog.

AS: Thank you for hosting Obi’s Mud Bath and having me on your blog. I’m thrilled to be here!

EL: I am thrilled you are here! I absolutely love OBI’S MUD BATH! Will you tell us a little about it? What gave you this great idea?

AS: The book is based on an actual event that occurred in Zimbabwe. A young rhino named Mark got his snout and horn stuck in a tire, and he couldn’t eat or drink. A team of vets came to his rescue, and, thankfully, Mark made a full recovery! The scene kept playing out in my mind—this little rhino full of determination, exhausted, and then finally free. I saw a story in there.

Obi’s Mud Bath is about a little rhino who is hot and needs to find a way to cool off. He gets himself in one mess after another, teams up with friends, and never gives up. Categorized as informational fiction, the story includes gentle environmentalism and provides additional information in the backmatter.

EL: I know that you did something special with this book. Will you tell us about it, please?

AS: To make a difference on a larger scale, I partnered with A portion of the proceeds from Obi’s Mud Bath will be donated to this is a charity, which empowers families around the world with access to safe water and sanitation. 

EL: Thank you so much for doing that. This is another reason for people to buy your book!

Your illustrator, Folasade Adeshida, did a fabulous jobing pairing art with your words. The cover and all interior illustrations are credited to Folasade (2021)

EL: Will you tell us a little about your road to publication?

AS: After writing stories for years, I had yet to secure a publishing deal. I was dedicated and worked on my craft, but knew I needed to try something different to take my writing to the next level.

I learned about The Craft and Business of Writing Picture Books at The Children’s Book Academy (CBA) and decided to sign-up. My writing skills and knowledge of the book industry got the boost they needed. I left the class with a polished manuscript, Obi’s Mud Bath, that led to an acquisition by Dr. Mira Reisberg, who is also the founder of CBA, and her Spork imprint at Clear Fork Publishing. Folasade Adeshida beautifully illustrated the book and added an additional layer to the story.

While Obi was supposed to be my debut, another picture book manuscript, Not So Fast, Max: A Rosh Hashanah Visit with Grandma, was picked up by Kalaniot Books and came out first (March 2021). Obi’s Mud Bath was released in June 2021. So, 2021 turned out to be a busy and exciting year for me!

EL: A VERY busy year, for sure! I’ve read NOT SO FAST, MAX, and enjoyed that too!  Congrats on everything! Do you feel like you are primarily a PB writer, or are you working on other genres? 

AS: At this point, I am primarily a picture book writer. However, one of my critique groups also includes middle-grade authors. Reading their manuscripts and watching their stories develop has given me insight into this genre. I’m also interested in graphic novels and the attraction they have for young readers but have yet to dip my toe into this category.

EL: Do you have a particular writing process? If so, will you share?

AS: When I begin writing a story, I try not to limit myself with too many rules. I start with a base story structure, but I don’t worry about creating magic in the first draft. Then I go back and start the revision process, stripping it down and simplifying the text.

Next comes the sparkle that brings the story to life. Since I am not an illustrator, I need to leave room for the artist to tell their end of the story as well. This means selecting words strategically. Picture books have so few words and each one counts.

The story is now ready to be mocked up, making sure page turns, pacing, and the story arc are on target. At this point, I share the manuscript with my critique groups and incorporate further edits, which makes the story even stronger.

I love looking back at how a story evolved and found its sweet spot!

EL: Ah, yes, that sweet spot! This is not your first career – why did writing children’s books call to you?

AS: As a little girl, books transported me to magical places. Then when I became a mom, I would snuggle up with my kids and read every night. It was during this treasured time that I first thought of writing my own stories.

As a registered dietitian, I’ve written extensively about food, health, and nutrition. Writing children’s books required a different mindset and I was up for the challenge.

When children read my books, I hope they find themselves on a journey with new friends.

EL: Do you have any advice for aspiring or even published kidlit writers?

AS: FOLLOW YOUR OWN PATH. Whether you are pre-published or have multiple books to your credit, everyone goes through slumps. Identify your end goal and keep going until you reach it.

FIND A WRITING COMMUNITY to support your efforts, guide you, and cheer you on.

ATTEND WRITING CONFERENCES AND CLASSES to hone your skills and make professional connections.

READ, READ, READ. By reading across all genres, but especially the types of books you are looking to write, you’ll get a feel for what does and doesn’t work, resonates with you, and causes you to pull a book off the shelf.

The road to publication is a journey, so enjoy the ride and follow your passion.


EL: I love that! We all have our own mud baths, and we can reach them. Great tip.

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EL: Do you have a website where people can learn more about you?

AS: Yes! I put a lot of thought into creating a fun and meaningful author website that not only reflects my message and branding, but also provides valuable information.

I coordinated with a dear friend, who is a Disney artist, and the illustrations he created for my website reflect the importance of making books available to all children. He also drew a playful bird, which has become my mascot and is used on all my author materials.

EL: I LOVE your website, and this little guy is adorable!

Check out Annette’s website where you can find more about her, buy her books, and download educator guides and activity pages.

You can also reach Annette on social media here: 




Annette is offering a signed copy of Obi’s Mud Bath (U.S. addresses only) to a lucky winner who comments on this post. If you are a follower (or just signed up for this fantastic giveaway), let me know. You’ll get an extra chance to win. 

Thank you so much for visiting, Annette. And thank you, everyone for putting up with the technical problems! 


If you are interested in learning more about me, my books, and my school visits, please check it out at 

A BIG thank you to The Picture Book Scribblers for this graphic! 

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 19:07h, 07 December

    Fabulous book (I already have a copy – hurray!) Great interview, ladies!

    • Annette Schottenfeld
      Posted at 20:24h, 08 December

      Vivian, Thank you! I’m so glad you like the book and interview. 🙂 Annette

  • Andrew Hacket
    Posted at 20:02h, 07 December

    A wonderful interview! I loved learning about this book.

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 03:12h, 08 December

    Yay, glad your interview posted this time. Technology is a blessing and a curse. Congratulations on this book and thanks for letting me know you have a book about Rosh Hashanah, I’ll look for it.

    • Annette Schottenfeld
      Posted at 20:26h, 08 December

      Laura, I agree, technology can have a mind of it’s own! Thank you for your kind words. Best, Annette