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Sadness, Hope, Peace, and Happy “Almost Birthday” to A FLOOD OF KINDNESS

Welcome back to “Writing Outside the Lines.” I know it’s been a while, and don’t worry, I will be back to highlighting and celebrating a lot more Kid Lit writers and illustrators. There are so many wonderful things happening in Kid Lit Land, so STAY TUNED!

Today, however, I want to catch you up on a little bit of what I’ve been doing. To be honest, I’ve mostly been fretting about the state of our world. It’s been hard to focus on writing with all the sadness. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has had a problem with turning from the news to writing a fun and uplifting story. I know many of us have been wondering how to help heal the world. Yes, we can donate money to causes that are important to us, but perhaps continuing to write books where kids can see themselves and others, ask questions, or laugh out loud is also a way we can help.

On another note, I’m thrilled to be back doing presentations in schools. In-person! My first “back to in-person visit” was to Tornillo Elementary and Intermediate Schools. It was exhausting yet invigorating. The kids and staff were great, and I hope I get to go back there again. Oh, and the lunches…YUM! Thank you, Tornillo ISD! I have a few more visits lined up for the rest of this year, and I am ready to fill my schedule for next year! For me, hanging out with my grandkids or the students I present to, gives me hope for the future. I”m looking forward to sharing my love of literacy, laughter, kindness, and hope with a lot more kiddos!

Speaking of hope, it’s hard to believe that it’s almost the one-year birthday of A FLOOD OF KINDNESS written by me and illustrated by the talented Blythe Russo.

I believe the book’s message of kindness, empathy, empowerment, and HOPE is timeless.  I invite you all to help me celebrate the upcoming birthday (April 13) in whatever way you’d like! Share the book, ask your library to get it, eat some cake, or most importantly, perform an act of kindness. The world needs that more than ever now. I’ll never forget the kindness shown to me and other”floodies.” Those kind people inspired this book.

And now… A

Please comment on this post about an act of kindness you did or observed. I will have my trusty random number generator choose a winner. The winner will receive either a copy of A FLOOD OF KINDNESS or a picture book critique. Winner’s choice!

Thanks so much for helping me celebrate, and until next time,




If interested I’d love you to check out my website, to learn a bit more about me, my books, and my school visits.


  • Andrew Hacket
    Posted at 01:24h, 29 March

    I absolutely love the message of your book and it is one our children need to keep seeing and hearing. We are currently keeping track of our kind acts in my grade 2 classroom, trying to observe how our kindness grows more kindness around us. I want my students to know that they all have the power to change things for the better.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:12h, 29 March

      Andrew, that is awesome! That’s exactly the theme of the book. Thank you for doing what you do! You are appreciated!
      Edited to say congrats! I just saw your announcement in PW. I’m thrilled for you!

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 01:38h, 29 March

    Wonderful post, dear Ellen! It has been hard for many to be writing.
    It’s great you are back to in-person school visits…lucky kiddos!!! And congrats on the upcoming 1st birthday for FLOOD OF KINDNESS…I’ll be celebrating in…PARIS! Oh la la!!! I’ll definitely have a chocolate croissant or napoleon or some other pastry delight!
    And i love your message of kindness.
    I promise to do something kind – but please don’t enter me in the giveaway – I already have my beautiful copy of your book!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:11h, 29 March

      Well, you do kind things every day! And PARIS! I’m thrilled for you.

  • Deborah Williams
    Posted at 02:44h, 29 March

    Today was my daughter’s boyfriend Jim’s birthday. To celebrate, he, my daughter and my grandson Charlie, who is 11, did a charity walk in Seattle to raise money for a leukemia charity, because Jim lost his mom to leukemia when he was young.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:09h, 29 March

      I am so sorry for Jim, but what a wonderful thing to do!

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 02:52h, 29 March

    Happy birthday to your wonderful book! I have been helping a young man working to get back on his feet after some mental health challenges that required hospitalization. As you know, I already own and love your book. If I win, I’d love to have the book go to my school in Chicago. Thanks.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:09h, 29 March

      How wonderful, Laura! I know you do so much good.

  • Leslie Eva Tayloe
    Posted at 10:01h, 29 March

    Glad you’re back! Best wishes in 2022.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:08h, 29 March

      Thank you! Same to you. And thank you for reading.

  • Sarah Meade
    Posted at 23:30h, 29 March

    I enjoyed reading your post, Ellen. I love A Flood of Kindness, too! Happy almost book birthday!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 22:01h, 14 April

      Thank you, Sarah! And I am thrilled for all you have accomplished too!

  • Janet Frenck Sheets
    Posted at 20:48h, 30 March

    A friend of mine is making a gorgeous quilt for someone who was never properly treasured by her own family.