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Ann Koffsky and a GIVEAWAY!

EL: Welcome back to Writing Outside the Lines! Today I am thrilled to highlight one of the most prolific writers I know. What’s that? Don’t just call Ann Koffsky a writer because she illustrates too? Well, yes, that’s true! Oh, and I’m honored to be in one of her critique groups. So, let’s get going!

Welcome, Ann! As I’ve said, you are prolific, but today we’re going to focus on your newest book, WHAT’S IN TULI’S BOX? ( pre-order it now, and you can have it in September! ). I always wonder what inspires people to write specific books. Can you fill us in on this one?

AK: Thank you so much! And thanks for hosting me here. I was definitely inspired by Sandra Boyton’s incredibly adorable board books, especially her book Opposites. She has fantastic animals exploring heavy and light, short and tall…and I kind of built on that and thought, how can I also explore opposites by using the vehicle of a tzedakah box?

EL: As I mentioned, you are one of those amazing creatures called an author/illustrator. Do you think of yourself as one more than the other? Does it depend on your project?

AK: I used to think I was an artist who wrote…then I thought of myself as a writer who can draw…now I just think of myself as a storyteller who uses whatever tools available to tell a story!

EL: I love that description! You wear many hats. Can you fill us in on that? 

AK: So many hats! I am also a freelance editor and art director. I was fortunate enough to work as an editor/ art director at Behrman House for about eight years, and since then, I’ve continued to do some of that for them as a freelancer as well. I love being able to help other creators tell their stories and to be inspired by their work!

My other hats include grocery shopper, Mom to adult kids, and laundry doer. Also, I like to swim.

EL: Oh, that grocery shopper and laundry doer hats! It’s funny that you put that in, but I think it’s great. Your work is not all glamor, huh? 🙂

Ok, back to your non-grocery and laundry work. Are all of your books Jewish content?

AK: Many are. They say write what you know and what you care about, so I seem to keep writing about Jewish stuff. That’s what’s meaningful to me, so that’s the stories that come out!

EL: Makes sense! Do you have a specific writing or illustrating routine? If so, will you share it?

AK: I think it’s different for every project. Sometimes I’ll write a story in my head on a long walk, sometimes, it will show up after a great brainstorming session with my writing group. It really depends

EL: What do you think is the most difficult part of what you do? What do you do to overcome it?

AK: WAITING. A big part of making books is writing them, sharing them for submission, and then WAITING TO HEAR. UGH so annoying. To overcome it, I try to forget that I’ve sent it in entirely and start working on the next thing. Distraction is the key to my mental health!

EL: Ah, yes. I think most serious writers can relate to that! What three words would you’d like to pass on to aspiring KidLit writers?

AK: Enjoy the process.

EL:  I LOVE that answer! I think it’s something we all need to remember! Thank you so much for being on my blog!

AK: Thank you! Thank you!! It’s so generous of you to host other writers like this.

EL: If you’re looking for a fun book, please consider pre-ordering What’s in Tuli’s Box at :

And learn more about Ann at her website:   

And now a

Ann is giving away a copy of What’s in Tuli’s Box? when it comes out in September 2022. All you have to do is comment on this blog to get in the running. If you are a follower or just signed up, let me know, and you will get two entries. Good luck! 


Readers, if you are so inclined, I’d love for you to check out my website,, and find out about my school visits, my books, and what’s coming up next. If you buy any of my books, please let me know, and I will send you a book plate. 

Until next time, 





  • Laura Russell
    Posted at 14:29h, 18 July

    I’m so thankful to have Ellen’s blog so I can find out about all the new children’s books and share with the families at our Montessori school in Sugar Land. We have a lending library, and the children enjoy it so much.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 14:56h, 18 July

      Thanks, Laura! And I’m thankful for readers like you!

  • Rivkah T
    Posted at 15:46h, 18 July

    I just discovered this blog because Ann posted about it. This new book sounds so fun!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 16:25h, 18 July

      Welcome! I hope you follow this blog to learn about more authors and illustrators!

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 01:27h, 19 July

    I always love learning more about my favorite authors and illustrators! Thank you, Ellen and Ann…what a wonderful interview! And I’m excited about another Ann Koffsky book!

  • Meghan Downs
    Posted at 01:51h, 19 July

    This books looks so fun! I can’t wait to read!

  • Annette Schottenfeld
    Posted at 17:00h, 19 July

    Ann, I am already in love with Tuli! I can’t wait to read this adorable book. I know children are going to love it! Congratulations.

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 17:35h, 19 July

    Great interview. I’m so happy to see this adorable book will be out soon. Don’t enter me in the giveaway, but I just wanted to shout out to both of you, Ellen and Ann. The illustrations are so cute!

  • Lori Shapiro
    Posted at 19:11h, 19 July

    Thank you for this wonderful interview with Ann. I am Jewish and have been resistant to writing too many Jewish stories. Reading that most of Ann’s books are Jewish-themed, inspires me to push past my hesitancy. I can’t wait to read Tuli! Thank you!!

  • Michal
    Posted at 00:38h, 21 July

    Great interview, and I’m looking forward to reading this new book by Ann!

  • Shari Womack
    Posted at 20:06h, 28 July

    This book looks absolutely adorable! Definitely need it for my son.