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Commemorating the “Almost Original” FLOOD OF KINDNESS and a GIVEAWAY!

Dear Readers,

I usually post interviews about other kid-lit creators, but today, the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Harvey, I’d like to tell you a little about the background of our book, A FLOOD OF KINDNESS. I know the book is not new, but I hope it’s as relevant now as it was a year and a half ago. 

I live in Houston, and many of you may remember the devastation that Hurricane Harvey caused in 2017. However, you may not be aware of the 2015 Memorial Day flood and the 2016 Tax Day floods. Yep, I hit the trifecta of floods. However, the aftermath of these earlier events made me realize the immense power of community and kindness. At that time, a book began to formulate in my head. But as often happens, life went on, and I didn’t write it. But then came the third week of August 2017. The whole city was hyper-alert. Something big was brewing. We knew something was about to happen, and we knew it would be bad. We just weren’t sure how bad it would be. But when that “something,” Hurricane Harvey, did come, the whole city was decimated, and over 60 people would die before the storm’s end.  I’ll never stop thinking of those who lost their lives. However, I was very aware that although I knew life would change for me, I was one of the lucky ones. None of my family or friends were physically hurt, but many, including us, lost their homes and possessions (again). However, that week, I saw the power of kindness and community increase tenfold. Once settled in a temporary apartment, I decided that kids may need a book, not detailing the horrors but celebrating the kindness.  And so it began.

On the surface, our book is a story about a young girl navigating through a difficult time after she loses her possessions and has to go to a shelter. However, the real story is about what I saw firsthand: how kindness helps people and communities heal during turbulent times.

My fictional account of Charlotte, a young girl, mirrors many children I knew and with whom I worked. They were angry and felt helpless. Of course, as adults, we felt that way too. But when I stood outside my ruined home, I thought of Mr. Rogers’s call to “look for the helpers.” I didn’t have to look far. Anyone who was able reached out to us with food, clothing, and hugs. In this book, Charlotte’s journey isn’t easy, but it does lead her to accept kindness from others and then pass it on. After that, she smiles for the first time since the river jumped its banks and begins her journey towards healing. As with all picture books, the words are only half the story. Thank you to the talented Blythe Russo for bringing Charlotte to life in such a beautiful way. 

We have had and will continue to have challenging times. I hope this book is received as a story of empathy and hope. My wish is that young readers will understand the power of kindness and believe they are empowered to help make things better.

So today, I am remembering the devastation and lives lost during those three floods and all the catastrophes throughout our country and world. But I am also celebrating the kindness and compassion that help heal. 

This is a Houston story, a Texas story, and mostly a universal story.

With hope,


If you’re interested in getting the book, here are a few places to get it.   

And now….

As always, I have a GIVEAWAY! Anyone who comments and SHARES this (let me know in the comment that you are sharing) will have a chance of winning a signed book, a critique, or a zoom ask me anything call (including classrooms where I would also read and chat with the kids) 

I hope you’ll stop by my website to find out more about me, my books, and my school visits at


  • Michal
    Posted at 15:07h, 25 August

    Ellen, this is one of my favorite books! Thank you for writing it.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 23:59h, 30 August

      Thank you, my friend. You know I feel the same way about your books.

  • Jenna Johnson
    Posted at 15:42h, 25 August

    How lovely! I’m sharing on Twitter!

  • Jocelyn Rish
    Posted at 20:38h, 25 August

    I can’t believe it’s already been five years since Harvey. I’m so glad you were able to find the rainbow in that storm to write this lovely book!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:00h, 31 August

      Thanks so much! I appreciate it!

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 22:45h, 25 August

    Ellen, this is such a wonderful book full of hope and heart. I truly love it. I think it will have a place on bookshelves in schools and homes for years to come as we continue to face one climate crises after another. Thank you for finding the silver lining in the storm cloud.

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:02h, 31 August

      Laura, thanks so much. You know I love “Aliana” too.

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 01:00h, 26 August

    Awesome post!!! And thank goodness you kept on writing even through the trio of floods…because that led to FLOOD OF KINDNESS!!!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:02h, 31 August

      Aw, thanks! You are always so supportive, Vivian.

  • Alexandra Alessandri
    Posted at 16:53h, 26 August

    This post resonated with me so much. I love A FLOOD OF KINDNESS–it’s beautiful and hopeful story. Thank you for sharing your stories!

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:03h, 31 August

      Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it.

  • Janet Frenck Sheets
    Posted at 19:06h, 28 August

    I hope you never experience another flood! But thank you for turning a terrible experience into a beautiful book. (I’m sharing your post on Twitter.)

    • Ellen Leventhal
      Posted at 00:03h, 31 August

      Thank you! And thanks for sharing!