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EL: It’s always a special time when I get to welcome a friend and critique partner to Writing Outside the Lines, so I am thrilled to welcome back the talented author/illustrator, Ann Koffsky.

AND it’s a special day for Ann. HAPPY BOOK BIIRTHDAY!

I love Ann’s newest book, Under the Sea Seder! Kids will absolutely relate to this lovely, whimsical story. The words and illustrations blend perfectly to create a beautiful, fun book. I can’t wait to share it with children in my life. I could go on and on about it, but, Ann, why don’t you tell us a bit about your book? 

AK: Thanks so much for having me here, Ellen! So, Under the Sea Seder is about a girl named Miri, who gets bored, bored BORED at the Passover seder table—and decides to go UNDER it. There she imagines herself on a seder submarine, and along with her cat, Abby goes on a journey, celebrates the seder with some sea monsters, and discovers how to make a seder fun along the way.

EL:  Because you’re an illustrator, your words and art always flow well together. Have you ever done just the writing or just the illustrations for a book? If so, what’s that like as opposed to being a writer/illustrator?

AK: I think the best way to describe it is that when I work with others, it’s more of a collaboration. I have to—I want to—step back and make space for others to make their own creative statement and contribution to the work. When I do both the writing and the illustrating, it’s more of an individual statement And another way…when I am collaborating I have to surrender more, and let others take the story over from me—I have to let go. When I do both I get to be more of a dictator!

EL: Being a dictator isn’t bad when you’re only dictating to yourself. LOL! Do you have a writing or illustrating routine? If so, will you share it?    

AK: I don’t think this counts as anything as stable as a routine, but I can share that when I write, I go back and forth between the computer and my pen. So I type, print out, mark up by hand, rinse, and repeat. For art, I’ve become very close to my iPad, and you can find me sprawled on my couch drawing over and over and over and over….

EL: Do you have anything else in the pipeline you can talk about?

AK: Thanks for asking! Yes, I have a new board/ accordion book coming out called SHEEP SAYS SHALOM (Greenbean) that should be showing up in the Summer.

EL: Congrats! And finally, do you have any words of advice for aspiring kid lit writers or illustrators?

AK: My best advice is to find and make writing/ illustrator friends! Being able to share your work with others who ‘get it’ is really important, both for the work and for your own sanity too. Being in my writing group with Ellen has been such a joy—thanks for hosting me, Ellen! 

EL: My pleasure, and right back at you! We are lucky to be in such a great group.

And now


Ann will be giving a signed copy of her book to one lucky winner! Just comment on this post and let me know if you are a subscriber, or if you have shared this post, and you’ll have an extra chance to win. 

Thanks again, Ann!

Until next time,



On a personal note, please check out other parts of my website,, to learn more about me, my books, and my school visits.  

NEW BOOK ALERT! Available wherever books are sold. 

If you’d like a signed copy, pre-order at Brazos Bookstore

This tale bears the same timely message as its subject’s music: Let’s all unite in a spirit of community.



  • Danielle Hammelef
    Posted at 16:34h, 27 March

    I love the bright illustrations and the sea is always fascinating to me. As a writer, I’m always struggling with how much room to leave for the illustrator to show the story. Thank you for the chance to win a mentor-text copy to read and review. I’m a subscriber and shared on tumblr:

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 00:48h, 28 March

    Congratulations on your new Passover book, Ann. I’m always happy to hear of new Jewish holiday books.

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 00:48h, 28 March

    Congratulations on your new Passover book, Ann. I’m always happy to hear of new Jewish holiday books.

  • Vivian Kirkfield
    Posted at 04:16h, 28 March

    Great post, Ellen!
    I love books that inspire children to use their imaginations! UNDER THE SEA SEDER definitely does that! What a brilliant idea to meld a holiday with an under-the-sea theme…kudos to you, Ann. And the illustrations are fabulous. I’m looking forward to your many board books that are coming out, including SHEEP SAYS SHALOM…another stellar idea – so creative! I’m grateful to be in the #JewishBoardBooks group with you!

  • Belinda Brock
    Posted at 19:59h, 28 March

    Thanks for this wonderful interview between two of my favorite authors! This book is a pure delight—vibrant, appealing illustrations, an entertaining and informative story that kids can relate to. So creative! Mazel Tov!