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Laurie Wallmark shares RIVKA’S PRESENTS along with a GIVVEAWAY!

I am thrilled to have the talented, prolific, and kind Laurie Wallmark on the blog today. I have been familiar with many of Laurie’s books for quite a while, but recently I got to know her through our group, The Book Meshuggenahs. Lucky me! Laurie has had two books released very close to each other recently, but today we will focus on RIVKA’S PRESENTS, written by Laurie and beautifully illustrated by Adelina Lirius.  Please check out her other books, including the new one, THE QUEEN OF CHESS at her website at 

EL: Welcome, Laurie! I love historical fiction both in novels and picture books. What made you choose the time you did in RIVKA’S PRESENTS?

LW: Both my parents and grandparents lived on the Lower East Side in the early 1900s, so I’ve always been interested in this time period. As the story of Rivka evolved, it became about her excitement at going to school, but I needed a reason that she couldn’t do so. Aha! The 1918 flu would provide the circumstances to prevent her from starting school. With Papa terribly sick in bed and Mama having to work at the shirtwaist factory, Rivka had to mind her baby sister. Therefore, no school. This combination of family memories and world history combined to make 1918 the time period perfect for my story.

EL: Will you please talk about your road to publication with this book?

LW: Fifteen years ago, I wrote the first draft of RIVKA’S PRESENTS. After revising it many times, I submitted my manuscript to about 50 editors in the hopes of being published. When no one bought it, I put the manuscript aside.

Ten years later, an editor who had published two of my books put out a call on social media—Where are all the books for Jewish girls that aren’t Holocaust? After doing a revision for her, she ended up turning the manuscript down.

About two years ago, I received a call out of the blue from my agent, Liza Fleissig. Apparently, she had mentioned the story to an editor at Random House Studio, and they wanted to publish RIVKA’S PRESENTS.

It was a long road to publication, but worth the wait.


EL: That is an incredible story!  You and illustrator, Adelina Lirius have created a lovely book. I love how well her illustrations mesh with your words.  Do you have anything else in the pipeline you can talk about?

LW: I have another #WomenInSTEM picture book biography coming out in 2024. Journey to the Stars: Kalpana Chawla, Astronaut is the story of the first Indian American astronaut. Achieving her dreams of being among the stars took dedication, perseverance, and patience. Her story is an inspiration for all children to follow their dreams.

EL: Congrats on yet another wonderful book, Laurie! On another note, what do you think is the best part about writing kidlit?

LW: The best part about writing kidlit is the opportunity to reach the hearts and minds of young people. It doesn’t matter whether your book is funny or serious, fiction or nonfiction, character or plot driven. Somewhere out there, a child will be excited to read your words.

EL: That’s lovely. Do you have any words of advice for aspiring kidlit writers or illustrators?

LW: When I teach classes about writing books for kids, I say you need three things to be published in kidlit: a little bit of talent; a willingness to learn and improve your craft; and, persistence. After all, it was more than 15 years ago I first wrote Rivka’s Presents. As a corollary to persistence, it definitely helps to have a thick skin to deal with the inevitable rejection you’ll experience.  

EL: Thank you so much for visiting with us today, Laurie! Here are some places where you can buy this wonderful book. 


And now for a


Laurie is happy to give a copy of RIVKA’S PRESENTS to one lucky winner (US only).  In order to get into the running, just comment on this post. Let me know if you are a subscriber or if you shared this to get an extra chance to win.  The contest is open until August 11. Good luck!

Until next time, be well,


On a personal note, I’d love for you to look around at other parts of my website to read about my school visits and my books. I’m currently booking school visits for the 2023-2024 school year. Thanks!

  • Marcia Strykowski
    Posted at 15:43h, 02 August

    Congratulations to Laurie—RIVKA’S PRESENTS sounds and looks fabulous! Interesting to learn the backstory for this beautiful book.

  • Ann Harrell
    Posted at 15:47h, 02 August

    Wow, what a path to publication! With more than a little talent and lots of persistence! Congratulations, Laurie, on your beautiful book!
    And thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I’m a subscriber.

  • Jilanne Hoffmann
    Posted at 00:04h, 03 August

    I’m so glad that this backstory has a happy ending! Congrats, Laurie!

  • Kim A. Larson
    Posted at 10:25h, 03 August

    Sounds like a great book! Congratulations, Laurie! I shared on Twitter and am a subscriber.

  • danielle hammelef
    Posted at 12:33h, 03 August

    I’ve been wanting to read this book since I first saw it featured on another blog. I am a subscriber and shared on tumblr:

  • Susan Johnston Taylor
    Posted at 21:47h, 07 August

    Congrats, Laurie! Looking forward to reading this book.

  • Rebecca Gardyn Levington
    Posted at 06:52h, 08 August

    Congrats Laurie! And great interview, Ellen! 🙂