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Angela De Groot talks about NOT POP POP plus a GIVEAWAY!

I am happy to welcome Angela DeGroot, author of NOT POP POP to the blog today. This book blew me away the first time I read it. At the library, Brian sees a man who looks a lot like his Pop Pop but is not Pop Pop.  He is an unhoused man who, like Brian, spends his time at the library. The story helps children understand the issue of homelessness, but it’s done in a sweet and non- didactic way. Angela DeGroot’s words and MacKenzie Haley’s art combine to create a fresh, fun, and educational book, which isn’t an easy feat.

EL: Welcome, Angela. Before we get too deep into the story, will you please tell us a little about yourself?

AD:  I grew up in South Africa. We moved to New Jersey after we got married. When I’m not writing, I’m reading. I teach ESL and Literacy at my local library. Things I like to do for fun include gardening, hiking, and singing – my kids repeatedly ask me to stop singing because apparently, I can’t carry a tune. I love to travel, especially to new places, and experience new cultures and cuisines. In 2024, we went to Australia and snorkeled The Great Barrier Reef – what an incredible trip that was. Hawaii is next on my travel bucket list.

EL: What made you decide to write about someone experiencing homelessness? Can you share some background?

AG:  I got the idea for NOT POP-POP while I was at the library. I was scribbling away in my favorite writing spot when I noticed a man at a table eating his lunch. I looked closer and saw bags at his feet. I was struck by the realization that this was an unhoused individual in my neighborhood. It never occurred to me that homelessness can happen outside of cities. Each time I went to the library, I saw this man and realized, that like me, he was a library regular. Like me, he liked to read, watch the turtles and ducks through the library window, smile, and say hello. Unlike me, this man didn’t have a home of his own. Most people in the library ignored him, but some people scowled or muttered about him napping in an armchair. Whenever the library was closed for holidays, I found myself wondering where this man went to get out of the wintry weather. I began wondering what the kids at the library thought when they saw this man with all his belongings at his feet. I wondered what kids thought when they heard adults making rude remarks.

The idea for the story of NOT POP-POP was sparked by my curiosity, and it is based on actual events. I was inspired to write about empathy and kindness, highlighting our similarities rather than our differences. I wanted to show how the library is a public space where all are welcome. 

EL: It’s such an important topic, and this book handles it beautifully. Do you have a writing routine? If so, will you share it?

AG: My writing routine has evolved over the years. When my kids were little, I wrote whenever I could, sometimes in fifteen-minute increments between family and work commitments. As my kids grew, I carved out more and more time for writing. After my early morning walk, I grab a huge cup of coffee and get busy. I still write around family and part-time teaching commitments, but I prioritize my writing as best I can. Writing is not a hobby for me – it’s my joy and my career.


EL: These illustrations make me smile! I think that MacKenzie Haley captured the feeling of the book so well. On another note, do you have anything else in the pipeline you can talk about?

AD: I’m particularly excited about two humorous projects that I have in the works. One is a funny, phonics-based picture book about a terrorized mouse that turns the tables, and the other is part of an Early Reader series featuring a goofy dog and the adventures she has with the creatures in her backyard. Both projects are inspired by my passion for literacy and ESL teaching, and by my hopes of sparking joy in reading.

EL: Congrats! They sound wonderful! Do you have a writing group or groups? How important do you think they are?

AD: Writing groups and critique groups are essential. My writing buddies and my crit partners (2 different groups) were instrumental in helping me get NOT POP-POP ready for submission. Writing for the most part is a solitary profession. Writing buddies and crit groups provide feedback, support, and encouragement. They are in the trenches with you.

EL:  I absolutely agree! What do you do when the words won’t come?

AD: It’s hard to write when you aren’t in the mood or when you feel uninspired. Procrastination can be a problem for me. I sometimes avoid the hard writing by reading picture books I’ve checked out of the library, writing book reviews on Goodreads, or connecting with the KidLit community on social media. But that won’t get my writing done, and it sure as heck won’t get me closer to my writing and publishing goals.

On days when the words won’t come, I allow myself a thirty-minute procrastination session, then I get my butt in the chair AND my pen in my hand. Creativity always seems to show up, even if sometimes it’s only a dribble. It’s maddening when the ideas in your mind don’t pour onto the page all bright and shiny. But if you don’t start, the words will never come, and the ideas will dry up.

My friend, Donna Gephart, turned me onto the Pomodoro Technique for writing. We call it “Tomato Time.” I put my phone in another room, and I close out the internet on my laptop. I set a timer for twenty-five minutes, then I write non-stop until the timer goes off. I allow myself a short 5-minute break, then I reset the timer and go again. It works for me. Try it. Maybe it will work for you, too.

EL: That sounds great. I will definitely try it! Those beeps and vibrations on my phone certainly upset my flow. Do you have anything else you’d like readers to know?

AD: Not Pop-Pop is fun to read aloud: It is full of sounds words like ZOOM, SWISH, THONK and PLOP which make for a lively and engaging Story Time. For instance,  this scene where Brian is playing in the library  . . .

I do puzzles.

I play with trains. TOOT TOOT!

Until . . .  uh-oh!

I CHOO-CHOO to the restroom.


TOOT TOOT and CHOO-CHOO are so much fun to say.

EL: Love it!

AD:  The color palette and the delightful details that MacKenzie brought to the story are amazing. I love that she captured my love of turtles. During Story Time I ask everyone to keep a lookout for all the turtles and to count how many they can find in the book. Readers enjoy flipping back through the story to find the turtles they may have missed.

EL: This is wonderful. Thank you so much for being here, Angela.  

Learn more about Angela at her website,  

Catch Angela on Social Media: 

Facebook AngelaDeGroot8

Instagram @angeladegroot8

Twitter @angeladegroot8

Here are a few places you can buy NOT POP POP.

Angela’s local Indie has signed (and personalized on request) copies available

It’s also available on Amazon:

AD: Thank you so much for featuring me and NOT POP-POP on your blog.

EL: My pleasure! And now it’s time for a



Angela is happy to give a signed copy to one lucky winner. Just comment on this post to get in the running. Let me know if you are a subscriber or you’ve shared the post in order to get an extra chance to win.

Until next time,






  • Marcia Strykowski
    Posted at 09:24h, 18 February Reply

    Sweet book and a great idea! Congratulations to Angela!

  • Steena Hernandez
    Posted at 09:49h, 18 February Reply

    Not Pop-Pop sounds like such a heartwarming story! I love the idea of “Tomato Time” to get writing time in. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Ellen and Angela!

  • Alayne Kay Christian
    Posted at 09:30h, 19 February Reply

    Nice interview! The pages of seen from the book tells me it is a great book. I am a subscriber, and I shared on Facebook. Congratulations Angela on this special story making it into the world!

  • Laura Roettiger
    Posted at 20:59h, 19 February Reply

    Congratulations on this book, Angela. I’m going to make sure both of my libraries have a copy.

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