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Author Visits & Presentations

All presentations are personalized for each school, grade level, or class in order to develop the best one for each particular group. Visits are available in-person and virtually through Zoom and Skype, if preferred.

Ellen will work with schools to make sure money is not a deterrent. Please contact Ellen for information.


Inspire your young readers and writers by inviting Ellen, children’s book author and educator, into your classroom.

What Schools Say

Write Your Life…

and A Little Extra

Life can be stranger than fiction! Our lives are filled with ideas to get the creative juices flowing. Remember, elaborating isn’t lying. IT’S FICTION! Paper, pencil, and a sense of excitement are the only requirements.

Writing a Biography/ Finding Your Spark

Using Debbie’s Song, Ellen will share pointers, talk about research, and bring students into the process of writing non-fiction with hands-on activities. Children will also learn about Debbie Friedman — through pictures, writing, and activities, they will learn that they each have a special spark inside them and that they too have the power to make a difference, just like Debbie did.

You Are

An Author!

We all have stories to tell. Children are authors too, and this program will give them the confidence to share their ideas and stories and to BELIEVE that their ideas count!

From Idea to Publication

Do you ever wonder how a book goes from an idea to publication? Ellen will share her journey, and then the children will take part in hands on activities which will culminate with them making their own book. This presentation can be expanded into a full writing workshop or even be done over a few days. (It also includes some fun games!)

Writing Process

This is a shorter version of the ”From Idea to Publication” presentation. It includes a PowerPoint presentation focusing on the writing process. The children are involved in interactive games, and they also get a chance to write their own story.

Teaching Kindness and Inclusion

Ellen will use A Flood of Kindness as well as other books as a jumping off point for activities and discussions on inclusion, kindness, and understanding. All programs are designed for specific grade levels.